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Depressed and unsure what to do next...

Guest Marcus76

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Guest Marcus76

After 6 months of sheer hard work trying to get a new employer to renominate my 457 visa or give me a new one, and working for cash in hand to survive, I finally had to bite the bullet and leave the country.


I have left behind 5 years worth of belongings with my ex, whom I lived with temporarily after having to give up my apartment, and we broke up during this process as he was so stressed with the situation...


It was a very sad, and looong 29 hour journey back to my Mums house in Norfolk.


Im 34 and feel like my life has collapsed around me.


I finally received word from DIAC that my visa would be cancelled, but by then I was already on the plane...


I am determined to get back to Australia, as had made my life there and miss it terribly. I've only been back in UK for a week, after 5 years away so have opened a UK bank account - applied for my tax back early through expresstax.com.au (they can sort claiming my superannuation too).


I found it difficult being in Sydney to gain a new sponsorship, so will just have to be more aggressive doing the same from the UK. Everything just seems up in the air at the moment. I want to get back asap, and was going to wait for my super and apply for General Skilled Migration Visa (175) anyway, just to have something in motion.


Any advice about getting back into the country would be much appreciated.



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Guest guest30085

Hi Markus


Have a :hug:


It sounds like youve been through the wringer.


Dont give up hope though.


What occupation are you looking at applying under, then we may be able to help with some information etc.

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Guest Marcus76

I work in IT, as a web content manager, content producer, information architect/intranet specialist - so would be accepted under multi-media specialist. I have a letter of eligibility from Lester Associates (who have deemed me eligible for 3rd party sponsorship). Its just finding an employer willing to hire me (via Lesters). This would at least give me a new 4 year visa. I can also work contract jobs through them (as sponsored directly through them and sub-hired out. Thanks for the quick response!!!

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Guest guest30085

Ok start with some Job Search Engines and I would plow through those and send out as many applications as you can as the 457 would be your quickest way back, I would have searched but you will know which trigger words to use far better than I would:-








Also, it may be worth hitting the IT Recruitment Consultants etc




Hopefully someone else who knows about IT will post also, but I will have a dig around about 175/176 visas for you

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Guest Andy
After 6 months of sheer hard work trying to get a new employer to renominate my 457 visa or give me a new one, and working for cash in hand to survive, I finally had to bite the bullet and leave the country.


I have left behind 5 years worth of belongings with my ex, whom I lived with temporarily after having to give up my apartment, and we broke up during this process as he was so stressed with the situation...


It was a very sad, and looong 29 hour journey back to my Mums house in Norfolk.


Im 34 and feel like my life has collapsed around me.


I finally received word from DIAC that my visa would be cancelled, but by then I was already on the plane...


I am determined to get back to Australia, as had made my life there and miss it terribly. I've only been back in UK for a week, after 5 years away so have opened a UK bank account - applied for my tax back early through expresstax.com.au (they can sort claiming my superannuation too).


I found it difficult being in Sydney to gain a new sponsorship, so will just have to be more aggressive doing the same from the UK. Everything just seems up in the air at the moment. I want to get back asap, and was going to wait for my super and apply for General Skilled Migration Visa (175) anyway, just to have something in motion.


Any advice about getting back into the country would be much appreciated.



Hi Marcus,


cannot really help you with advice re moving back to Oz, just want to wish you the best of luck though and hope you get back sooner rather than later.

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Guest Guest16631

:hug:your all ready on your way with your positive attitude , taking stock of where you are and looking for a way forward....................good luck....................:smile:

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Guest Marcus76

Thanks guys! Just gotta start with a long list and cross things off one at a time...

Thanks Adonna for the links too. Thats my Bank Holiday sorted now...why not start straight away!

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Guest guest30085
Thanks guys! Just gotta start with a long list and cross things off one at a time...

Thanks Adonna for the links too. Thats my Bank Holiday sorted now...why not start straight away!


Youre Welcome


Good Luck - keep thinking positively - Im sure you will find a way. You managed to get a 457 before so Im sure you will again. If you need anymore (in case thats not enough reading :laugh:) then post again

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Guest Marcus76
Youre Welcome


Good Luck - keep thinking positively - Im sure you will find a way. You managed to get a 457 before so Im sure you will again. If you need anymore (in case thats not enough reading :laugh:) then post again

Itrs much easier obtaining a 457 when you're actually in Australia...but I'm gonna try my hardest.

Thanks for the advice so far people. Any more is welcome...

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If Australia is where you want to be, why don't you apply for skilled migrant visa instead of visa, putting your energy into the 457 visa, you will always have the risk of having to move back hanging over you with that.


I know the 175/6 takes longer but it is a better visa for someone who wants to go for good and in the meantime you could just try to make the most of your time here.

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Guest HighlanderHeather

Hey Marcus,


I feel for you. I came back to the UK in 2007 because my working holiday visa ran out, and it took me such a long time to settle back in at home. Things change back home and not always for the better, especially during these times. I suggest you try your hardest to get a GSM visa as soon as possible and apply for permanent residency, which gives you the option to go back and not relying on an employer sponsoring you. It might take some time (my application took almost two years), but it's worth it if you have something positive to concentrate on. Good luck mate. All the best

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