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Bonzer's Visa


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As of 0800hrs this morning it is with great regret that i have to inform the great british building industry . That yet another of it's top Bricklayer's has gained his visa, and will be joining his other mates on site in September. So Brisbane here we come , just in time for the cricket



Thanks to all , for the advice and support.


Bonzer ( John and Angela)

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Guest jordan
As of 0800hrs this morning it is with great regret that i have to inform the great british building industry . That yet another of it's top Bricklayer's has gained his visa, and will be joining his other mates on site in September. So Brisbane here we come , just in time for the cricket



Thanks to all , for the advice and support.


Bonzer ( John and Angela)


Congratulations good luck with the move.


Stacey xx

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Guest mickroo

Hi Bonzer


Many congrates on getting your visa!!!!!!!


I to will be joining the other top Tradies (me sparky) leaving the British construction industry to do my best in Brisbane!


Good luck Mate!!



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Guest forshac

:lol: Nice one Matey..


All the best..


How long did it take start to finish (just so I have hope that our's is on its way).

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Guest Missiemo

Congratulations mate, I am also off to join the Great Auzzie Building Trade in June


Good Luck with the move



Nick, Mo and Family

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Good on yer guys.


Don't suppose any of you can update a "still in the miserable UK" bricklayer on the work situation in Queensland?



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