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Have you experienced this and what did you do?


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Guest siamsusie
Hey biker , ma story is we got visa in FEB this year validated it in june , got a boy oot in OCT to value hoose and her indoors says boys are nae sure aboot gan noo ,:arghh: but ats life eh ? a cudna go masel cause a need guidence if you kane fit a mean, still working on the lads though and all the best to what you decide


Long term vision my friend as far as the kids are concerned... WA, great place for tradies /apprentices... and nae chillblanes either:hug:

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Tough world out there hey. I'm totally fine with moving to a place where I know no one. When I was 18, I moved out of home to study since the closest University was a bit far away. I lived on my own for a many years and I tell ye it was tough.


At the age of 18, I had to cook, wash my cloths and clean the flat, take care of the little finance I had and study. It taught me lots of things and I guess it made the tough person I am now. Have to say I can endure many difficult situations and live allover the globe with different conditions. Having said that, it's still not easy to live away from family and friends.


So missus and I had a nice long romantic dinner last night. I wanted to know what she was feeling and passing through since for me its hard to understand something like 'missing people', maybe cause I had built a tough wall around me. Not saying that I don't love/like friends and family, far from that! Its just that I can endure without.


She will be fine. I guess this is a 'mourning' stage for her. Its hard to part with friends and family and one has to accept it. Until then, it will not be easy.


So I will be there for her all the time, supporting and loving her, understanding her feelings and I am sure together it is going to be fine.




Hi, have read through all the posts and i think you`ve worked it out on this one.Its a mourning stage as you said.We`ve got 28 days left here before hitting Brisbane and i`ve no idea what i`m letting myself in for ,so all i think about is what /who i`m leaving behind.I think you`ve got to grieve for the nest that you`ve broken up.I think that`s how a woman sees it.We`ve just sold our home and are staying in rented `till our flight.We`re only 10 mins away from our old village but because of the snow i`ve been stuck here and started to panic.I missed my friends,the kids school,my old home.But i`ve had to say goodbye(in my head) and you need the time to do it.When you`ve done that then you can look ahead and look forward to good times.I think i`m probably kidding myself `cause i don`t think it`s real for me yet!Ax

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Guest June Pixie
Mate, best to shrug your shoulders sigh and bury your head in the sand


A womans thoughts is no place for a man to go........... Unless very brave or stupid!!!


best answer to anything...... Yes dear, sorry dear, I know dear, I agree dear, Then finish it off with...... Yes dear, I know I don't understand, don't listen, don't do enough (insert whatever fits) I agree your right I'm wrong and I'm sorry dear....


Now if she carries on, just tell her, her arse does look big in those pants, and every other pair she has! because her arse is big!!!! And no material garment will hide that fact....


As you run for the door make sure you duck as somethings comming your way!!!!! :biglaugh:


I'm not as passive! I'll just hop on a plane to Spain to sort my head out.


Your way is so 1950's. :wink:

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Guest markandmichelle

Hi all

It is a hard thing to do, and no1 knows if it will work out???? sometimes would be nice to have a crystal ball.......

It is great to hear that you are trying to be as understanding as you can be, i would say out of everyone i have talked to it has always been the women that have found it harder, i was just the same...... you go from the close friends u have made over years and years, people you have worked with for years, (and some that feel like family because you have seen then grow up and been the 1 that they come 2 when they need a shoulder ) to the ones who know most of the mums at the schools they children go 2, to coming out here and not knowing any1, i think the thing is everyone goes though it, and some do end up going back 2 the uk, but i also think that u have to say that you will give it a good year before you even think about going back to the uk, it does get better, but it does take some time. i know it started to hit me after a couple of months, talking to people back in the uk, and some people not talk to me because (they words) you lefted what is u problem u are in oz........ thank god for my o/h bless his heart he hates shopping at the best of times, but would put up with going 2 the malls to get me out and about, trying to make things as fun as possible, it is not the same, and it does feel like you have been cut off from all that you have know and all that you love and care about, but on a up note it does get better, i still have off days, but the meeting people has been the hardest part of it here, but there is some really great people on here, that do they best to pick u up, and u do meet some great people, but like anywhere there are some not so nice people that like to stick the nail in.

I wish u and your wife all the best and the thing is you only have 1 life and no matter what u do in life it all takes time.

all the best Michelle.

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Just got the news that her sister gave birth to a baby girl! Wonderful news but you can imagine how harder it is now for her...


Also, it was a bad move to move just after Christmas, which is a time where families come together.


I can't begin to describe how I feel. Happy and sad at the same time. Excited and stressed. Frightened that all the hard work, money and sacrifices that came along in the last 2 years will be just blown away like a cold breeze in the middle of a dark night.


It's all in the hand of destiny now....




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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi mate


you sound just like me, wanting to taste something new, excited about living in the 2nd best country in the world, it isn't really ............... we know its the best country, also you are a positive half glass full guy like me and want to have an adventure, but we are all different, especially most women, who would say that us men are.............. still little boys and they have to be the grown up sensible ones, its the nature of the beast. Just keep reminding her of what you agreed and say............... if it doesn't work out we can always come back after we get citizenship.


It hasn't worked with my wife, so............. best of luck. lol

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