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want to get my parents here


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i am a resident now and living in oz for three years my sister is a resident in perth and we want our parents here i have been told of two visas one taskes 2yrs and costs $74,000 and the other one takes 20 years is there anything else we could do open to all suggestions we also have another sister that wants to move here but her and her husband have to wait until our parents afre residence, please can someone help we are trying to get back together

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i am a resident now and living in oz for three years my sister is a resident in perth and we want our parents here i have been told of two visas one taskes 2yrs and costs $74,000 and the other one takes 20 years is there anything else we could do open to all suggestions we also have another sister that wants to move here but her and her husband have to wait until our parents afre residence, please can someone help we are trying to get back together


Hi Nikkii


You might be better posting this on the Parent visa thread which is a sticky at the top of the immigration forum page. Gill (Gollywobbler) is very knowledgeable. To answer your question, generally these are the two main visas for parents and obviously the normal parent visa has a ridiculously long wait. The Contributory Parent Visa is expensive I am afraid. You can spread the cost of this by applying first for the temporary visa.


How old are your parents? I believe that if one of them is over 65 then they would be eligible to apply for the Aged Parent or the Aged Contributory Parent visa, which I believe can be applied for in Australia.


With regard to your sister, I assume she will be applying for the Remaining Relative visa? If this is the case you should be aware that her husband cannot have any other close family in the UK either. Also, I was looking at getting my son over to Australia on this visa and have been given to understand that my daughter in Australia can sponsor him as soon as we arrive. The only problem is the Assurance of Support as you need to be earning a certain level to sponsor more than two people. If you could get someone else to put this up for your sister and her husband it might be OK. Hope this helps.

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