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any body applied SA online app.....pls help me

Guest nest1234

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Guest nest1234

Please help me to answer below questions in SA online application.


Thanks in advance



1-What research have you undertaken of the job market in South Australia outside of your nominated occupation? Detail what sort of research you conducted and your understanding and own analysis of the other employment prospects and opportunities that may exist for you in South Australia.


2-Please detail what sort of research you conducted and your understanding and own analysis of the employment prospects and opportunities that may exist for you in South Australia.





3-MARCH-2010: TRA Applied-Electronic equipment trade person

29-May-2010: +ive TRA RESULT

17-JULY-2010: IELTS Results-6 in each band

XX-XX-2010: Uploading SA SMP

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Ultimatly you need/should have researched your employment oppotunities with your skills. this should include your Trade/Skill that has been assessed, but also look at opportunities that the other skills you posess and see if employment could be sort.


Then, in your own words, complete the on line form.

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Guest jigarercivil

Friend I dont want to hurt you...but this question is very important for getting SS...If you are educated then definitely you can find and for this que....also you cannot reply on some one's ans.....you need to find ans your own...because ans is very from occupation to occupation....Also I would like to advise you please spend your sometime for this question and make ans in proper way.....out of 5 question this one is the toughest question....If you will not describe very well then might be your application can be reject....


state sponsorship refused,, Need advice : British Expat Discussion Forum


see this link due to less research application was refused...I can help you in which way you need to find ans of this que...


-find consultancy or companies in SA related to your application

-send them your resume to review

-find out ongoing/future project related to your occupation

-find name of recruitment agency


Combine all this things and make proper format of your ans....keep in mind that maximum you have 1500 words to write..so write important and short wording...AND pls dont copy someone's wording it can harm your application



Best of luck:daydreaming:


Please help me to answer below questions in SA online application.


Thanks in advance



1-What research have you undertaken of the job market in South Australia outside of your nominated occupation? Detail what sort of research you conducted and your understanding and own analysis of the other employment prospects and opportunities that may exist for you in South Australia.


2-Please detail what sort of research you conducted and your understanding and own analysis of the employment prospects and opportunities that may exist for you in South Australia.





3-MARCH-2010: TRA Applied-Electronic equipment trade person

29-May-2010: +ive TRA RESULT

17-JULY-2010: IELTS Results-6 in each band

XX-XX-2010: Uploading SA SMP

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Easy one. Start by looking at what it is you do (your nominated occupation) and then extend that to identify related fields where you may find employment. So if your nominated occupation was administrator for example then identify other roles such as bookkeeper, secretary, office manager, payroll etc - (related or semi related fields) where you may find work. Do a search on seek or careerone and see what is available how much they are paying, who is hiring etc and keep copies of those advertisements. If there are specific companies you are interested in email them and ask them questions relating to the job market and your opportunities. Try get adverts from a broad range of different industries e.g. include local and state government, small companies, large organisations etc. Contact various employment agencies that may have work opportunities for you (consider anything you may be able to do given your skills) ask them for information e.g. suitability of your skills for the South Australia market, what rates you would receive for the work you do, any other advice they can give you. Dont only look at opportunities in Adelaide extend your search to opportunities in other areas in South Australia as well. When you do your submission you include all the emails you have received (which may include information on opportunities, pay scales etc), jobs ads that you think you may be suited for.


You then write that whilst you nominated xyz occupation you also have skills in abcde and you have investigated what you would need to do to work in those fields, you have found that the work is available (advertisements), your research has shown you can expect to earn between $x and y; the companies, agencies think you will not have difficulty in finding work in the different roles (so you include the emails you received from the agencies) etc. Show you have researched this widely including areas where you may work, special skills you may need etc even include completely unrelated jobs if you would be able to do them given your skills. Include any contract or temporary roles as well and mention that you have researched temporary and contract opportunities.


Essentially they are wanting to see that you are not starry eyed believing you are going to land and immediately get a job in your field and that you have considered other alternatives if a job in your field is not available.

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