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Migration Headache


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Well it was all going well or so i thought got a mail back stating me and the kids had passed the assessment criteria but the oh had outstanding medical issues arising from the chest xray, from some sort of undisclosed operation, so alarm bells where ringing since my wife has never had any surgery it turns out that the medical staff at the hospital we used had made a mess of the xray and it just cascaded from there, so after second trip to the hospital they took another xray and as it turns out the xray was messed up so now we are waiting from decision from the common wealth doctors on the new xray and a letter from the radiologist saying it was a mess up and in fact there was no medical condition so here we are the new xray and accompany notes have been sent off and its now 3 weeks since its arrived i am a wee bit stressed but hoping for the best if not i have no idea what i will be doing for a job lol.


any way flame away or post constructive comments


Yours Aye Sneeze100

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