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To all those teens unsure about moving to Oz......


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.... I would say do it!


I am 36 now but when I was 17 my parents told me that they were intending a move to Australia! Well, I shouted, I cried, I slammed doors, and I out right refused to even think about a move to Australia. I argued with my parents and made their life hell for about 6 months! My poor mum cried every day begging me to re consider but I just would not listen even though on some level everything they were telling me I would have sounded fantastic.


Why would I not consider this move??- FRIENDS! I would not leave my friends. What a fool I was. Don't get me wrong Friends are important but friends come and go, family and opportunities like experiencing life in a new country don't.

The friends I had then are quite different people now to how they are today and many of them have gone.There were so many times that I wanted to pick up the phone and ask my parents to book a flight for me but being a stubborn, determined teenager I toughed it out here on my own. It was so hard and it put a huge strain on my relationship with my mum and dad. It also has had a dramatic effect on my relationship with my younger brother as it meant I missed out on him growing up.

It is only now that I am older and slightly wiser that I see the opportunities I let pass by me.I have over the past 20 years visited Australia many times and understand now what my parents meant when they said I would make new friends and enjoy life more! I am very lucky that I now have the chance to go and experience life in Oz and I am so thankful for that and intend to enjoy every minute of it.

You will feel sad and apprehensive about moving its only natural that you do, but grab it and make the most of it, if you don't you will always have that "what if" hanging over you!




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Guest guest37336

Well said Emma.


Grab it with both hands, because very simply. Life offers us very few chances in the grand scheme of things. Each opportunity that comes along we should grab with both hands.


A chance to migrate to Australia is a bit like the Golden Ticket in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Very rarely does this sort of opportunity present itself. Grab it by the scruff of the neck and hold on for merry hell.


Cheers Tony:wink:

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