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Moving from Adelaide to sunshine

ghost face killah

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We currently live in Adelaide and have been here a few years now. We have loved living here but are thinking of moving to Queensland, most likely to the sunshine coast.

We were wondering if there was anyone else who had made this or a simalar move who could give us pros and cons or any advice on moving interstate, as were still not 100% sure on what we want to do. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hey were in Adelaide been here 5 yrs nothing wrong with Adelaide like you have said but we feel we need a change. Were hoping to move sometime this yr just need to sell the house. Not sure on which are we are going to move to but were looking around the top end of the gold coast. Where abouts in Adelaide are you? were in Seaford.

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We went to the gold coast a couple of yrs ago and we like it. Ever since we have been i have said i would like to move there and now is the right time for us. We obviously need to do a reccie but it's just such a big area to cover it's knowing which is the best area for us. If we go before you do i will let you know what we think


Debs xx


ps sent you a pm

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We lived in Hallett Cove until March of this year. We visited the Gold Coast several times beforehand, so we had a good idea of where we wanted to live.

It's not much harder moving interstate as it is to another suburb. You sell your house, get removal quotes, choose the best one, find somewhere to stay while you are looking for somewhere to rent/buy. You can normally get a few weeks free storage with the removalists.

We had a van sent up with our stuff and drove up here with the dogs and kids and camped on the way up. Make sure you don't choose to move during public holidays as it is more expensive to stay at places plus you can't contact estate agents for rentals etc. We found this out because we chose to come here over Easter.

Be prepared for a lot of set up costs. i.e: change of regos/licences (both driving and tradie, if you are one and dog regos) School fees and uniforms, bond and a months rent in advance.

We have made the move and have loved the warm winter and the lifestyle (annual theme park tickets for $99 are fab)

Be prepared to drive a little further for things than in Adelaide, although with the faster roads (which are so great from the stop start at traffic lights and only being able to go 60km an hour for most of the time in Adelaide) you will get there much quicker.

The only 2 negative things I can think of and one being a major thing is, that jobs for tradies are very hard to come by. The other is that there is no mains gas here and you have to have big gas bottles, which is no biggy but you have to order them in and hope to god that you don't run out.

Apart from that all is good.

Also if you have kids, they will jump up a year in school in Queensland, so mine were in years 5 and 7 and now they are in 6 and 8.

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This is just the sort of thread I was looking for. Only been in Adelaide for 10mths and never visited the Gold coast which I would do before such a move but I can honestly say that I love living here but we are having such a terrible winter here.

My husbands work opportunities would be better in Brisbane too... hmm food for thought and we certainly would not make the move for sometime but it is good to start gathering info etc...

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Guest cazbeckham

Hi Ghost Face


I too was born in Lancashire, Rochdale to be exact. We have been here on the Sunshine Coast from the UK for almost 2 years (20th Oct) and love it so much.


We live in Buderim so only 10 mins to beach and you also have the Hinterland the other side of us so perfect.


If you happen to move anywhere near us please pm me and I can add you to our PIO contact list for meet ups.



Good Luck with whatever you decide




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We lived in Hallett Cove until March of this year. We visited the Gold Coast several times beforehand, so we had a good idea of where we wanted to live.

It's not much harder moving interstate as it is to another suburb. You sell your house, get removal quotes, choose the best one, find somewhere to stay while you are looking for somewhere to rent/buy. You can normally get a few weeks free storage with the removalists.

We had a van sent up with our stuff and drove up here with the dogs and kids and camped on the way up. Make sure you don't choose to move during public holidays as it is more expensive to stay at places plus you can't contact estate agents for rentals etc. We found this out because we chose to come here over Easter.

Be prepared for a lot of set up costs. i.e: change of regos/licences (both driving and tradie, if you are one and dog regos) School fees and uniforms, bond and a months rent in advance.

We have made the move and have loved the warm winter and the lifestyle (annual theme park tickets for $99 are fab)

Be prepared to drive a little further for things than in Adelaide, although with the faster roads (which are so great from the stop start at traffic lights and only being able to go 60km an hour for most of the time in Adelaide) you will get there much quicker.

The only 2 negative things I can think of and one being a major thing is, that jobs for tradies are very hard to come by. The other is that there is no mains gas here and you have to have big gas bottles, which is no biggy but you have to order them in and hope to god that you don't run out.

Apart from that all is good.

Also if you have kids, they will jump up a year in school in Queensland, so mine were in years 5 and 7 and now they are in 6 and 8.



Thanks for your post i have already done all of the above but there was something i wanted to ask how long did it take you to drive there as this is something we're going to do.


We want to stop of at a few places along the way as well.


Debs xxx

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Hi, we did a return trip first, without the dogs, therefore we stayed in motels overnight. It took us 3 days to get there with 2 stop overs. We went across Victoria and NSW. There wasn't an awful lot to see but it was still an adventure. The second time we did it, which was just the one way and with dogs, we took 4 days with 3 stop overs. As we had the dogs, we camped on the way up. This meant that we had to stop earlier and start off later because of putting up and taking down the tent.

If you don't have kids and dogs, you could probably do it in 2 days but that would be travelling for a long time each day. The said trip takes about 26 hours without stops, that is to the Gold Coast from Adelaide.

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Hi, we did a return trip first, without the dogs, therefore we stayed in motels overnight. It took us 3 days to get there with 2 stop overs. We went across Victoria and NSW. There wasn't an awful lot to see but it was still an adventure. The second time we did it, which was just the one way and with dogs, we took 4 days with 3 stop overs. As we had the dogs, we camped on the way up. This meant that we had to stop earlier and start off later because of putting up and taking down the tent.

If you don't have kids and dogs, you could probably do it in 2 days but that would be travelling for a long time each day. The said trip takes about 26 hours without stops, that is to the Gold Coast from Adelaide.


Thanks for your reply. We had planned it to take around 3-4 days stopping over on the way a few times. We have 2 dogs but they are going into kennels and then being flown over.


Thanks again


Debs x

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HI We are thinking of moving to the sunshine coast also from Melbourne, We have been in Oz for the past five years and have loved it but feel maybe moving all the way from the U.K to live in similar suburbs with no family to help is not quite the dream we were after. The Sunshine coast is beautiful, we have just got back from a holiday there, I know from friends jobs can be an issue if you are a tradie. We are in the medical proffesion so should be fine. Have you heard of any nice family areas to move to with young kids ?

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Hey All


I too am moving to Queensland (if there is any space left after you guys have all moved there!!) around the GC in Jan 2011. My OH has a job there....not sure where we are gonna be living as employer is sorting accomodation for first 6 months.


I have had enough of the rubbish weather here in Yorkshire and can't wait to move. Mind you me thinks the weather is always worse in Lancashire starts raining there every time I cross the M62!!!


Looking to make some contacts before we arrive to make migration a bit easier. So if you know of any get togethers in the New Year let me know.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi we live in Hallett Cove and the warmer weather is calling us !!!!! We were looking at the Northern Beaches above Cairns, Kewarra, Clifton and Yorkeys Knob, does antbody have any information about them. It is just me and hubby plus the dog so we are looking for somewhere were we can be part of the local community .We are open to suggestions of good areas, we plan to rent for a while to make sure that it is the right place, but we can always move again if we are not happy. We are well aware of the humidity and that does not worry us, but I know that I can't spend another winter South Australia !!!!!!

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Guest puff the dragon

We live in aberfoyle park and are also looking to move from adelaide up to queensland.

been here 4 years now and cant stand another winter

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We live in aberfoyle park and are also looking to move from adelaide up to queensland.

been here 4 years now and cant stand another winter


We have only had one winter here in Adelaide and we think thats enough! :wink:

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