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Skills Australia Explanation of SOL Choices

George Lombard

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Skills Australia has now published - at Skills Australia - explanations for the inclusion of occupations on the Skilled Occupation List and explanations for the exclusion of many others (Skills Australia , for example "Software Testers", see http://www.skillsaustralia.gov.au/PDFs_RTFs/SOL/2613SoftwareandApplicationsProgrammers.pdf .


The justification contains the following comment:


Software and Applications Programmers nec have not been included on the SOL.  This occupation comprises software testers, and made up 5 per cent of the unit group’s employment at the 2006 Census.

 It is considered less skilled than the other occupations in this unit group, which are Analyst Programmers, Developer Programmers and Software Engineers.  Only 56 per cent of 56 per cent of software testers had a bachelor degree or higher compared with an average of 73 per cent for the other three occupations.



My suggestion is that anyone adversely affected by exclusion from the SOL will need to address this kind of issue if they want to be back in the SOL in the future.




George Lombard.






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