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Jobs - can anyone help

Louise & Nick

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I was wondering if anyone had gained employment in australia before they went (apart from sponership). I am an aussie and my husband is british, he has applied for a few jobs had a couple of interviews over the phone but as of yet no luck. My son finishes year 6 soon and i really need to be in australia before he starts high school. If anyone has any idea on the best way forward I would really appreciate it.:cute:

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I think it does depend on the industry, and sometimes it's being in the right place at the right time.


My hubby got a job before we moved out. I hadn't even thought about moving without one!!! It's a good thing I didn't find these forums before I moved LOL!


Keep trying!






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His line of work is kind of like IT but he does risk management and model simulation, did your hubby trawl the internet looking for work or did someone he know offer him a job. I don't really want to move out to oz without him having a job as it would be took difficult, but on the other hand we may just go out and wing it. :smile:

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His line of work is kind of like IT but he does risk management and model simulation, did your hubby trawl the internet looking for work or did someone he know offer him a job. I don't really want to move out to oz without him having a job as it would be took difficult, but on the other hand we may just go out and wing it. :smile:


My hubby is in IT and it was with a different company to who he was with. I don't think he was really looking for stuff, it just came up and he applied and got the job. Sounds easy really......but, as I said - partly it's a case of being in the right place at the right time. Funnily enough he was offered the job and knocked it back. We were living in Singapore at the time and not ready to move on......6 months later they re-advertised and he told them he was ready to move. They put him through the ringer second time around and told him he'd be blacklisted by them forever more if he was offered the job and turned it down again :biggrin: Anyway, it was offered and he accepted!!!


Just keep trying and applying for things and don't be disheartened by the lack of response or very slow wheels turning. It can take weeks for companies to even get back to you and then the urgent start date comes.....and goes.....and you assume you are not getting an interview and THEN they contact you!!!






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Thanks for that, he had interview with local goverment job in WA in April, they told him they would let him know the outcome in 2 - 3 weeks, they asked for references 2 weeks later so we thougth that they would offer him the job but its nealy 10 weeks and still no reply. He looked on the local goverment site and it said still pending so maby it just a wait and see.


Luv Louise X

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Thanks for that, he had interview with local goverment job in WA in April, they told him they would let him know the outcome in 2 - 3 weeks, they asked for references 2 weeks later so we thougth that they would offer him the job but its nealy 10 weeks and still no reply. He looked on the local goverment site and it said still pending so maby it just a wait and see.


Luv Louise X


Get your CV to all the agents, look on career one. I got an offer a week after doing this. Good luck.

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