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guys and chicks, 15 perth want to meet up or questions ?

Guest MeganHumphreys

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Guest MeganHumphreys

heeeeey C:

i'm 15, and from england, stoke-on-trent

i'm currently in mandurah, but i go up to perth city heaps on the train to meet up with friends.


before i moved to western australia march 09 last year my mum told me come on here, and it helped me out heaps,

so i wanted to do the same for other people.


so if anyone has any questions ask away, or if you want to meet up i'm happy to C:


i have msn, facebook, and myspace

just ask if you want the links




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Guest lee19

hi Megan,


Sorry for jumping on your post but we are just starting our visa application and are looking to come to Perth.

My son (14) has been really unsure of us making the move, but he is starting to come round to the idea.

I was wondering if you would be able to give him some info of what life is like for you now in Aus, and how you felt when you knew that you were going to be leaving the UK.


hope you dont mind,

thanks lee.

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Guest MeganHumphreys
hi Megan,


Sorry for jumping on your post but we are just starting our visa application and are looking to come to Perth.

My son (14) has been really unsure of us making the move, but he is starting to come round to the idea.

I was wondering if you would be able to give him some info of what life is like for you now in Aus, and how you felt when you knew that you were going to be leaving the UK.


hope you dont mind,

thanks lee.




Hi lee : )


its alright here to help.


well, when my parents first told us i was super excited to be able to be able to get to meet new people and get away from all the english weather :D

then when the last few weeks in the uk came, it kinda all kicked in, so me and my two brothers 11 and 19 and my parents kinda all got emotional, haha.

we still all miss everyone lots, but we wouldnt go back i dont think. we've all made lots of friends and life is pretty good tbh, specially the weather C:

i spent all of last summer down the beach nearly every day with friends from school.

the schools are different to the ones in england, but its really easy to meet new people and we all settled in pretty quick seeing as we had no-one over here to begin with/


he can add me on facebook or msn if he wants :)


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Guest lee19

thanks Megan,

i will show him your post. In my heart i know that he will be fine but as a typical 14y lad he thinks that it is the end of the world. I hope that if he can talk to someone who has done it and it worked out he might have a more postive outlook. Other than the beach are there lots of things that kids of his age can get out and do?



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Guest MeganHumphreys

i was 14 when we moved over and thats exactly how i felt. its a horrible feeling.

theres quite alot to do. there the cinemas. music festivals. most of my guy friends go to AFL matches. heaps of guys over here do bmxing or skating. there go karting. time zone which is like this big acarde place. there adventure world whats like a outdoor water park. some of my friends do sandboarding. depending on what type of music hes into there gigs in leaderville. most teens chill out in the city on weekends. theres always partys going on.

and i'm pretty sure theres lots more to do but i cant think of anything else.

also in the holidays people tend to go up to monkey meir to see the dolphins, or bali.


: )

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Guest Pommy girl 1998

heyya Megan im Jodie,11- so im a bit young for you,, but i saw on one of your other posts above that you have an 11 yr old bro,, is her on here? sorry if thats mean not asking to talk to you, i just thoughhht you woudnt want to talk to me as im a bit younger than you..

thanks a lot,, joddezz x

; )

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Guest MeganHumphreys

awhh nahh you dont sound mean at all : )

he isnt i dont think but he has msn i'm pretty sure

i can find it out for you if you like



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Guest Pommy girl 1998

aww thanks that would be great,, ill send you my msn address in a pm and you or your bro can add me on there,, ok ?? thanks a lot,, Jodezz xx ; )

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