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Contacting DIAC


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My story is that I applied for a 175 CSL 30 June last year, we got asked to do our medicals in November which we did. Then we didn't hear anything for months despite being CSL, finally my agent agreed that we'd waiting to long and I rang them to chase up. This was about the 20th March, 2 days later we got a new caseworker and a request for further information as my husband has a 16 year old non migrating daughter who we can't ask to do the medicals. We dealt with this via a stat dec as advised by agent. This was submitted the 15 April.


My agent said that I should expet to wait 2 to 8 weeks but as our solicitor who has dealt with the stat dec and all the issues with his daughter is going on maternity leave early june I didn't want to wait this long.


I rang DIAC 2 weeks ago and got told at current processing rates I should hear in 2 weeks, I explained about the solicitor and got told an email would be sent to my caseworker. I rang today after not hearing back and got told 2 weeks again, so again I explained the solicitor issue and got told that as my agent had uploaded the extra information that the caseworker would not know that it had been received! So they needed to be told!


Now that sounds a load os rubbish to me! I assume most applications are made online and that most of them must have to send extra info of some sort and do so by uploading! So that must be why they are so slow as they never know the information is there!


I know other people have been waiting longer but I am so frustrated as I got told as CSL once I had done the medical having the visa was imenent even with the non migrating child issue!

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