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need to get out more already

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arrived in illawarra, which is a lovely place, albeit quiet. My problem is finding likeminded people. It is very very child/family orientated - which is ok - but when i suggested a night out to the few people i have met here (not been here long at all), everyone had some childrens sport activity to do and looked at me like i was the local wino. I am about to start work so will be doing exactly what i did in the uk, which is juggle work with the kids stuff. For me, this is the only way i can keep some identity and to have a conversation that doesnt revolve around small children. Suggested some ladies day at the races - which no-one i have met yet is even remotely interested in. Never been to one myself - but i am willing to give it a go before i knock it. Surely someone must live not solely for the kids?:huh:

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Wish you lived in Melbourne, i've had this problem for a long time. Have realised i am just a mum now, which is driving me to distraction. How i would love to actually care what i wear and to go out at night to something other than the dreaded BBQ. Good luck in finding someone nearby who thinks like you and me.

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Wish you lived in Melbourne, i've had this problem for a long time. Have realised i am just a mum now, which is driving me to distraction. How i would love to actually care what i wear and to go out at night to something other than the dreaded BBQ. Good luck in finding someone nearby who thinks like you and me.


hia hun

i am in melbourne x and there are a few of us honest even with kids xxx

i have been here 3 months and hubby been here 5 months x and i have to admit only been to one bbq and not even had one yourselves !! and you are not just a mum xxx

where abouts are you

i am in frankston although got to know a few people around melbourne x

carole x

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Guest guest30085

Hi hun


Things will pick up in time. Once you meet people through work etc you will find like minded people - its always going to be hard at first :hug:


Anyway when I land and if I get over to your way - then you will definitely get a night out with this local wino :biggrin:


Take care and PM me if you ever want a chat xxxxx

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