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Life Insurance Policies

Guest thepriceclan

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Guest thepriceclan

I am in the process of sorting out the finance things before we go.


I have just phoned my various insurance companies and they have said that we will still be covered on our life insurance and life insurance for the mortgage. As long as we have a uk bank account our life insurance is fine.


The only thing we will have to pay for is a fee for keeping our mortgage but not living in our house. If we move away for less than 12 months we will have to pay a fee of £100 but if it is for over 12 months we have to pay £250. We can either pay this upfront or add it on to the mortgage.


Also as my brother is going to be living in our house while we live in Oz I have just added his name to my house/buildings insurance policy.


Thought I would let you know as someone might be wondering about their insurance etc. Obviously not all companies are the same and some might have different rules.



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