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4 months in and all is well


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I have been here almost 4 months and love Brisbane. Love the sunshine, ok, the humidity gets a bit much some days but nothing a dip in the pool can’t sort out. Today is sunny 29C and a wonderful breeze blowing. I love the fact that I never have to use the dryer or dry clothes in the house. To bring washing in every single time, after being out only a couple of hours and smelling so fresh is great. I love the shopping centres, great shops, lots of choice and loads of bargains if you shop about. It bemuses me how a lot of people say how much more expensive it is here in Oz but I’m sorry but I don’t find it so at all on the whole. The quality of fruit and veg is very good, which I buy at the market in shopping centre and farm eggs $1.99 a dozen, that’s just over a £ and as for the meat… I have never seen quality like it. I can remember often seeing beef with a green tinge to it in Tesco in the Uk. Here the quality is superb and much cheaper than UK. Chicken tends to be a little dearer but shops often have special offers on. Sausage not brilliant but found a decent pork one in Woolies. Seafood wonderful. I have never seen prawns so big!! Eating outdoors is not a problem if you hang the electronic fly killers up and put on bug spray. Yes you may not be able to get certain things here and there’s no M&S and if you like the ready meals then forget it…but hey… “when in Rome”….. I bake my own cakes and we eat very well, just as well, if not better than in Uk and I am NOT spending as much. We eat out a fair bit as it is not expensive and I have been known to eat a burger which I never did in the UK. Here they are made with pure 100% beef not the plastic rubbish you get in UK. Beer and spirits a bit more expensive but some wines are much cheaper, the one I like is only $11.99 a 4 litre box .Books are expensive but I bought loads before we came so will keep me going for a while. The house we are renting includes water and rates so even though some rents seem a little high these charges are often included, so it is not so bad. You do not pay for TV licenses here. Petrol is cheaper here, phone about the same as UK. We pay $20 a month for unlimited calls to Europe and USA. Great, for talking for hours to our friends and family, on our last phone we had 47 hours of calls so that $20 went a LONG way. I know lots of people miss their family for support in helping with child care etc but my husband and I are 60 years young now and we have brought up 7 boys between us and as much as I adore my grandchildren I have never had any intention of spending my free time looking after them while their mum’s work. My time is my time. I have so much to do and explore here. I adore this country and fully intend to enjoy every minute I get. Our family are coming over for visits which we will all enjoy and make the most of, meanwhile we are all getting on with our lives. My own mother spent most of her 50’s, 60’s and 70’s caring for my sisters children and when she died I said to myself that that would never be me. We only have one life and it is an adventure from the day we are born. I have had a lot of tragedy in my life which makes me more determined to make the most of the time I have. I love the wildlife and zoos, the restaurants, the beaches, the sea, the scenery, the mountains, the people. Even been to Dreamworld which was fun!! Been up to Mt.Coot tha many times and the views are amazing….. as far as the eye can see, the city and suburbs and even the sea and you know what? I have never seen any smoke or pollution pumping out like we used to see in Middlesbrough 24/7….nothing at all. The air is so fresh everywhere we go. I love the smell in the air when it rains.

I love the wide roads and the space everywhere you go. I love the fact that everywhere I have been in Australia there is barely any litter anywhere, no chewing gum, no dog dirt nor the contents of someone’s throat all over the pavement, all of which used to disgust me in UK as I had to try to sidestep all these horrors every time I stepped out of the door. In fact it is so clean here a lot of people, young and older, drive and walk about barefoot. Try doing that in UK!! I feel safe when out walking anywhere at any time. I have not seen any gangs or hoodies on street corners loitering and intimidating people.

I love to see all the smiling faces and the friendliness of the people here, and I may be in a minority here but I love the Aussie sense of humour. My 4 stepsons are all Aussie born and bred and are lots of fun to be around. People will smile at you and often stop for a chat. I love the fact that I don’t have to wear or buy make up, you don’t need it and my skin has never been as good. As long as you put the old sun block on when going out in the sun. You don’t have to buy lots of clothes because you hardly wear any. Very relaxed atmosphere here, which I love. We are out and about all the time and nowhere have I EVER heard anyone say the “F” word or any other expletive. We have an excellent bus service and if you buy a “Go” can travel very cheaply on buses, trains and the City Cat on the Brisbane River.

I love the Brisbane Hospital. I was unfortunate enough to suffer from an infected gall bladder 2 weeks before Christmas and my husband had to take me to hospital as I collapsed at home in severe pain. Hospital was busy but triage took me straight into see the doctor when they saw how ill I looked. The care and attention I received was second to none. I have never been asked to call a consultant by his Christian name but they all introduced themselves this way and insisted we call them by their first names. Lots of staff, and I cannot praise everyone highly enough. Hospital spotlessly clean, beds comfy, all remote controlled, great food and every one of the staff were smiling and making jokes all the time, especially when I went to theatre.

At 60 years of age we worried we may have trouble finding work as in the Uk if you are over 45 it’s nigh on impossible. Here we started looking for jobs after New Year and now we both have jobs we enjoy. OH has a well paid job working as a senior salesman in a large electrical retail store and I have a job working for a nursing agency earning a lot more than double what I was earning in the Uk.

There will be things I don’t like much here but for the life in me I cannot think of anything just now…..oh yes I can……2 things…….we have the most beautiful birds visiting our garden, amazing colours BUT when they open their mouths OH my….what a racket. They don’t tweet, they screech and they go on and on, little buggers!!! Oh and I must remember next time we rent or buy a house with a pool to make sure the neighbours do NOT have the biggest tree in Australia in their garden so all the leaves shed into our pool!!!!!

I know it must be difficult for some people who are homesick and how those feelings would make them want to go back to UK but I know we have made the right decision for us. We are lucky in that we have family here and in the UK. I say if your dream is to come to Australia then follow that dream and come and embrace this beautiful country with open arms, open minds and open hearts then see how things work out.

Home is where I am at and loving it.

Monica :smile:

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Guest guest30038

Hi Monica.


Thanks for taking the time to post at length. your enthusiasm is infectious............not that i need to catch it.


Soak it all up hun.............life's too short :biggrin:



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Guest Guest31881

Hi Monica,


Great positive posting and I agree with all of it, especially about the cost of food, you just have to learn to shop when you come here and not just use supermarkets. How refreshing to read a post such as yours and I hope you go on to enjoy the joys of living in Brisbane. It has some loverly areas surrounding it and I am sure you will have a great time exploring all that is on offer in the area.

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Guest siamsusie

Monica, Lovely to see you again and as always to read your wonderful positive posts. So good to know you are settling in well. Love and hugs Susie xx

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Guest The Pom Queen


What a wonderful post. Go girl!!!

Can't wait to hear the 12 month report, wow how long will that be. It is great that you have soo many positive vibes to pass on to people still waiting in the UK.

Thank you so much for sharing


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What a wonderful post. Go girl!!!

Can't wait to hear the 12 month report, wow how long will that be. It is great that you have soo many positive vibes to pass on to people still waiting in the UK.

Thank you so much for sharing



8 months????:wink:


Cheers, Bobj


I must not digress.

I must not digress.

I must not digress.

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Guest stockies

Great post Monica !! Life is for living and you sure do seem to be living it.

Lets hope it continues, and I look forward to reading your next post..


Claire. xx

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Guest Bettyboop

wow what a great post to read!! so nice to read such positive comments!! We have been here for the same amount of time as you and couldn't agree more!!! although I dont think I have quite mastered where to shop for groceries yet as my food bills are definately higher here!! however, the quality of meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are so much better and to be honest I save myself a fortune in not needing to pay for different activities for the children here; they are so happy with the outdoor life that it doesnt bother me to spend a bit more on shopping!!!! hope you carrying on enjoying yourselves!!!


Angie xxx

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Hi Monica, great positive post!! makes me remember the reasons why I am currently busting a gut in uni full time, and also working full time, retraining...and saving for all the reasons, and more that you have mentioned. I had started to wonder if i was doing the right thing for my family....but your post has reminded me that yes, this is def the best option for me....and them!!


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