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How do ops effect medical

Guest glennandkate

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Guest glennandkate

Hello all,

I have just found out I have got to have an operation on my arm to relocate a nerve. I am scheduled for the end of January, so I will be putting off having my medical for a couple of months but does anyone now how this will effect the medical???

I am worried that they may not want me with a manky arm... :cry:

And how long after putting in your visa app do they normally request your medical? I am waiting on my TRA at the mo and hope to submit visa end of this month(was going to get meds done at the same time :x ). Do I have enough time to get over the op? (consultant said it takes 3-6 months to recover).

If its not one thing to worry about its another. I hope the warm sea and sun and good life is worth it :lol:



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