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Special Needs Schooling in Perth


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Does anyone know of any really good Special Needs Units/Education Support Units linked to primary schools in Perth. I have feedback from both Canningvale and Rockingham Beach Primary Schools (any thoughts on these schools?), but without seeing them it's ahrd to know. My daughter has Downs Syndrome and is 4, any help or advice would be great, thanks

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Cant help with those schools in particular but the framework for supporting children with disabilities in WA may be found at the link here


I assume you have got a visa already because if not, your first step will be to check and see if you can get one. The medical requirements can be stringent.


Also, if you have got your visa, remember to bring along with you all the psych (IQ and adaptive behaviour) and therapy reports on your daughter because you will need them to verify eligibility - just the label wont be enough. I cant find the early intervention guidelines but there will be links in the link I have given you to talk to someone about what she could access and there will be guidance officers or similar who will be able to guide you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hgierthy

Cant help you with primary schools but i can give you a number for a phycologist in WA who was more than helpful with myself. My son is 13 so it was high schools for us. However you will need an age appropriate IQ test, which seems to be the norm here for entry into any school with special needs. Back home i found it very difficult to find anyone who would do this as in Central scotland this is not needed. When we did eventually find one in the whole of the central belt he wanted a fee of £700 to do the test. We ended up not being able to be slotted in with him before we travel'd and came to oz paniking that we hadnt got this done however when we got here the phycologist here done it himself with no charge, as far as im led to believe all kids prior to placements are given this iq test. I would however bring all medical files with you to help them out a bit. If you are interested in his number send me a Pm and i will pass it on. i am not sure how much he will be able to help, but i was given his number from every head i went to see, and when i called he was great....dont know if he felt sorry for me as he heard the panic in my voice ...but a very nice gentleman and im sure he could advice you who to contact if he couldnt. Also you could speak to heads at a couple of schools as i also found them more than helpful, even when they realised there school wasnt suitable and knew he wouldnt be attending.

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