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Hi from clan mac

clan mac

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Hi to all at PIO

What a great site!


We are just making tentative enquiries about our visa options but I am sad to say I can see little reason to remain in the UK. At the risk of sounding like a whingeing Pom is it just me or is this country screwed????


It would seem that there is little hope for our children regarding jobs or a decent standard of living in the UK. Having visited Australia on holiday 2 years ago I got a real sense of opportunity and optimism coupled with the aspiration that you can actually achieve your goals with hard work. Alas the opposite would seem to be the case in this country. I am completely fed up with empty promises, rising crime rates and an economy that supports people NOT TO WORK!!!! funded by taxpayers, paying more and more stealth taxes. Speaking with friends we all complain of just lurching from day to day and not really living. I know that Australia has it's share of problems but surely it couldn't be worse than here????

any thoughts?


clan mac x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi Clan mac,


i think most of the people on PIO share most or some of your thoughts apart from those who have come back and didn't like Australia. I am just like you and i have voiced my views numerous times on PIO and quite regularly i get attacked by pro-Brit posters. It has made me re-evaluate my whole views on this and i feel more relaxed about what is going wrong in the UK, you see we can't change it so theres no point in letting it get to us, we know whats wrong and our way of dealing with it, is to put in for that visa and give emigrating a go, what have you got to lose, if you don't like Australia and you miss your family and friends you can always come back and there are alot worse countries to live in in the world than the UK.


JIM. 175 csl PR visa granted 24/11/09.

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ClanMac – welcome to the forum and good luck with your application. However, you seem to be looking at emigration for negative reasons. You say that Australia couldn’t be worse than [the UK].

I have a hunch that your move might be more successful if you focused on the good, positive aspects of Australia that you’d like to bring into your life, not focus on the negative aspects of the UK that you’d like to leave behind. There’s a danger of being generally unhappy and blaming the unhappiness on where you lived. If that’s the case and you emigrated, you might well find that you were still unhappy in Australia, but would also be far away from any support network.

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Thank you for your honesty. Off course you are right about focusing on the negative aspects of UK not really being the best basis for a move to Oz. I hope you will allow me a little lee way as we at clan mac are new to this forum, one might even say PIO virgins!

I have been to Australia and fully appreciate what a fantastic place OZ is, and yes I have many reasons to want to make the move to Oz. The outdoor lifestyle, fab climate and wonderful place to bring up my children to mention but a few.

Thank you though for prompting me to consider the positive, I feel better already!


clan mac x

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Guest GDavids4

Hi, I'm totally with you the future looks bleak in the Uk but 'orange' in Oz. How have you got on with your enquiries, is it looking hopeful for you? We have two kids who are desperate to move over but I'm still working on my hubby who likes the idea but is too lazy to do anything about it - lets opportunity comes knocking. Let me know how you get on - fingers crossed for you.


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Hi GDavids4


We are still trying to see if the option we have been given is the only one available to us. It would involve my hubby changing jobs, losing his company car and earning less money!!!! Eek.


However, having been to the wonderful wizard of Oz, I still feel if this is the only option available then we must do what we need to do to make that magical visa happen.


Our children LOVED Oz, and no wonder! We loved it too. It has it's share of problems I dare say but you simply cannot compare the outdoor Ozzy lifestyle to the lifestyle in the UK.


I hope your hubby changes his mind, have you been watching Wanted Down Under?? That may be just the ticket to change his mind.


Good luck and keep me posted on your progress


clan mac x

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