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what suburb for a couple in they late 30s


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hi everyone

my husband (mark) and i (heidi) are arrving in melbourne on the 28th october on a 475 visa via marks work and we are staying in st.kilda which his work has sorted for us short term does any one know a good area to rent for a couple in they late 30s who are sports mad that is no more tham 30 minutes away from the city ($300-$800 per week).not long to go now



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It really depends what you are looking for. ST Kilda is 10mins by tram from the city and is a great place. Good bars and restaurant. It has a younger crowd and alot of backpackers are in St Kilda.


I live in the Point Cook. Its good value which gives us more spending money!!! and about 15 mins to the CBD by car. Lots of young families and a great POM community.


We used to live near Yarraville which is very trendy and I would move back in a flash if I could persuade my husband, but the cheaper rent out here is great.


My advice is, if you you have a spare week, visit as many places as you can to see what you think.


Sports mad - you'll fit in well in this town!!

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I just wanted to say that my husband and I are 43 and 44 and live in Cheltenham, but both love St Kilda, it has such a great atmosphere, we're always driving down and eating especially breakfast. You'll love it there. On a sunday they have a craft type market which runs all the way along the beach front. You'll love it :spinny:

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