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How much money do I need???.. Help Needed!!!

Guest Rico

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I'm coming to Sydney next Tuesday. My employer is putting me up for 2 weeks and then I'm on my own. I reckon I will be starting work in the 2nd or 3rd week of December.


How much money do you reckon I will need to take with me?





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Most employers will pay you every two weeks here so that's one thing to take into account. I wouldn't bring loads with you - just use cashpoint here to withdraw when you need it. I still have a Lloyds bank account. They charge £1.50 for every transaction or withdrawal, so just take out a lot at once. I'm sure you've read the other posts about furnished flats for rental being very expensive. If you need to rent something then just go to freedom furniture and buy one of their packages for a couple of thousand dollars and then you can rent unfurnished. We rented a washing machine when we first arrived but laundry is quite cheap to get done, 5 business shirts washed and ironed are around $14. I expect you are on the way now but feel free to ask more when you arrive. I'm very close to Balmain so may be able to help.

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thanks for the help Jo... I actually fly tommorow afternoon from Glasgow and will be arriving on Thursday.


I have already opened up a Travellers account with Citibank and have transferred 1000 pounds today (it'll take about 2-10 days to work)


I'm taking about 750 pounds with me (250 in cash + 500 in travellers cheques)


gotta go, but maybe i'll see you about





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