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Visa difference?


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Can we apply for CAP(residence)visa (sublclass 864) without having the CAP(temporary) visa (subclass 884)? its a bit confusing on the immi site as there are two CAP residence visas with the same number 864, but with different prices.

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi there Ann


I am so sorry not to have replied to you sooner. The last couple of weeks have been manically busy for me.


Yes you can apply for the immediately permanent CAPV 864 if you wish. However if you do so, be aware that the processing is currently quite quick - under a year. Your daughter and/or S-i-L would have to produce an Assurance of Support before the permanent sc 864 visa can be granted:


Assurance of Support


9 Visas, Entitlements & Assurances of Support


The Assurer is means tested by Centrelink and the means-testing is a test of annual income only, I believe, measured by the person's tax returns and payslips for the relevant tax years. Make certain that the Assurer will be OK for the AoS before you decide which visa to choose. Up to 3 individuals can club together to provide an AoS. An individual cannot assure more than two adults at a time and the AoS for a Contributory or Contributory Aged Parent visa lasts for 10 years.


The reason why the CAPV 884 shows a lower 2nd Instalment charge is because it is only a temporary visa. If you choose to split paying the 2nd Instalment then you pay 60% of the total prior to the grant of the temporary visa and the remaining 40% when you do the upgrade to the permanent sc 864 visa later.


An Assurance of Support is not required for the temporary sc 884 visa because it only gives Temporary Residency so there is no prospect of claiming anything from Centrelink if you fall on hard times. A parent who is in Oz on a CAPV 884 is not entitled to any other visa except the permanent sc 864 visa and the application to upgrade MUST be made within 2 years of the date of the grant of the original visa.


The two stage approach is messy and bitty. It is far easier and tidier get to get the immediately permanent sucblass 864 visa straghtaway if you can. However do be careful about the AoS with it and make sure that your Assurer will be OK on that.


Please shout if you need further help.





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Hi Gill,

Thank you so much for the info, no problem that it took a while I know you are very busy. My husband Roy is feeling much better about the move now he knows when we get there we can stay, and not have to keep leaving the country.

Take Care and God Bless.

Ann and Roy.

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