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Decisions, Decisions!


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Hi all,

I first logged on to this site back in Januaray when we first began contemplating a move to Oz. We decided to wait as there we then rumours that hairdressing was to be taken off the MODL (my other half is a barber). Looking at the situation now I can see hairdressing is being removed from most SS lists so I presume it's not looking good!


My other option in terms of migrating would be for me to apply as a teacher (secondary) which is on the CSL, However I qualified 4 years ago and didn't get a post to start that september so took a career break to have a family. I know have two beautiful kids which i look after during the day while my partner works. I would have to look at resuming my career but am unsure if I could bear leaving the kids yet :no:(my boy is 13months and little girl 3 in august).

Childcare is the major issue and have had a few offers from friends/family but am not sure any of them are overly enthused with the ideaad. Other than that either private childcare or drastically role reversal and my partner stay at home to look after the kids both of which would seriously hurt the pocket at a time we need to be saving like hell.


The other problem is i have to complete my first year teaching within 5 years of qualifying so it is really my last chance unless I could get an extension and I don't know if having a family is a good enough excuse! AND TEACHING INTERVIEWS ARE DIRE!!! I'm c****** myself just thinking about having to have one! Any teachers with any tips on what are buzz issues at the moment and typical interview questions would be greatly appreciated, I feel so out of touch.


OHH decisions, I know I should take the bull by the horns if I really want to get out to Oz, I just really don't know what to do!!!:unsure:

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