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Been working 3mths - Rebate?


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Im here on a 457 visa and started work back in early March.

I am aware of the LAFHA allowance, but dont think my employer supports it.


However, what I did want to ask about, should I still be liable for a rebate? Im not paying for private HI, but I figured the financial year is up in June out here, and ill have only earned a little amount (cos of the time ive been here) however im paying quite a bit of tax.


Should I get this back?

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Guest sparkyinoz

**** yeah u should get all of ur tax back as you have not worked a full year , have u purchased anything towards ur job also??? if a tradie ? tools etc..... sunscreen.....sunglasses.....clothing......petrol......parking meters......


look into it you have to do a end of year tax form anyway,,,, but ensure you claim for what u are entitled too...


best of luck!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Hearne_Family

I am here on a 457 visa too, I started work in Feb this year, do I have to do a tax return? How does it work? Do I have to get the tax return form myself or should one be sent to me? Thanks for the help in advance!



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Thanks for the responses, looks like its not just me who wants the info.


do I have to do a tax return? How does it work? Do I have to get the tax return form myself or should one be sent to me?


So, yea, what Terry said - HOW do I go about this and WHEN should I start filling in paperwork.


Someone told me to go to a tax consultant but i dont want to pay some mug to fill in a few forms for me!


Really appreciate peoples advice on this.

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Guest proud2beaussie

OK,The first thing to determine is whether you are a resident for tax purposes as this will affect how much tax is deducted from your pay,to find out if you are go to:

Tax Tools

and answer the questions.

If you are a resident for tax purposes then you can work out how much tax you should be paying each week using the tax calculator here:

TAX Calculator

At the end of the financial year (After June 30) your employer will give you a certificate which details how much tax you have paid and how much you have earned (Taxable Income) you then need to either go to a tax agent and have a return prepared for you (which will cost you money however you can claim the fee in next years return) or you can pick up a "Tax pack" which is like a magazine which has forms included,you can get these at post offices and newsagents. or you can do it online at the tax office website www.ato.gov.au.

If you are at all confused by it (not surprising if you are) I suggest that seeing a tax agent would be worth the fee,they will do it all for you and ensure you get the maximum refund and as I said you claim the fee back as a deduction in the next years return.

Hope this helps.

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Ok, that test told me I was an Aus Resident, so printed that out.


I guess the key question i want to know is:

"Is there a set amount you can earn a year that is tax free"


Assuming there is, I wont have met it because I have only been working for 4mths by end of fin year, and therefore the tax ive been paying every month I should be due back.

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Guest proud2beaussie
Ok, that test told me I was an Aus Resident, so printed that out.


I guess the key question i want to know is:

"Is there a set amount you can earn a year that is tax free"


Assuming there is, I wont have met it because I have only been working for 4mths by end of fin year, and therefore the tax ive been paying every month I should be due back.

Yes there is and for 2008-09 it's $6000.00,therefore any tax paid on income under $6000.00 is automatically refunded to you.

See this page at the ATO website.

Individual income tax rates

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cheney

$6000 only relates to someone being a resident for tax purposes for a full tax year. The allowance is $500 per month, for example, if you arrived in Oz in Feb allowance would be $2,500 tax free threshold. But there is also a low income tax offset of up to $1200.

Kind regards Cheney

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheney - just spotted ur a tax cslt.

Was wondering if you could just clear this all up for me:


So, ive been here since end of Feb (started work on March 10th)

Earn around 5800 before tax, they take around 1300 off for tax.

(Yes, I have a TFN, dont have private HI).


1. This sounds like a lot of tax to me - does this sound normal?

2. Do I get a rebate, based on the fact that ive not worked a full financial year in oz?

3. If so, who do I go to (you?) or is it a simple case of filling out a couple of forms?


Thanks for this

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Guest cheney
Cheney - just spotted ur a tax cslt.

Was wondering if you could just clear this all up for me:


So, ive been here since end of Feb (started work on March 10th)

Earn around 5800 before tax, they take around 1300 off for tax.

(Yes, I have a TFN, dont have private HI).


1. This sounds like a lot of tax to me - does this sound normal?

2. Do I get a rebate, based on the fact that ive not worked a full financial year in oz?

3. If so, who do I go to (you?) or is it a simple case of filling out a couple of forms?


Thanks for this


On a 457 Temporary res visa with the figures you have given I would say you would expect a rebate when you do your tax return. Your tax free threshold is reduced for the months you were not living here, but this year you'll probably only hit the 15% bracket as you will have only worked 4 months (your employer is probably using your 12 month calculation for marginal tax of 30% at present). You should also qualify for a low income tax rebate. Best to see a tax agent for specifics on your case, after you receive your payment summary from your employer (usually around 15th July) You have until Oct 31st to do this. Someone like H&R block are great for these simple returns and will only charge you about $135 which you can deduct off your taxable income next year.

Your medicare levy would only be around $345 and you should not have earned enough due to short working year for you to pay the medicare surcharge levy.

Hope this helps??? :v_SPIN:Cheney

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