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Medical Dilemma

Guest Alison1967

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Guest Alison1967

My husband and I have just submitted our visa application (136) and have heard that nurses are currently being fast tracked. I have essential hypertension and am worried this might preclude me at the medical. I have had a glucose tolerance test that showed I am glucose impaired but do not have diabetes. Anyone have an advice on this? :)

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Guest BrerRabbit

:? No advice on your med condition BUT get the name of your local GP authorised to do the australian medicals and give him/her a call to ask baout it before you spend the money. They'll maybe say they can't discuss specific things with you or give immigration advice but it's worth a phone call to see.

Try posting your same quesion on an agents forum to see if anyone else has comments/suggestions (we use http://www.australia-migration.com forum whcih has some very useful info on it and the agents post replies too)

hope this helps

Zoe :)

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Guest Mel & Ed

HI Alison,

I am a nurse also and from what ive heard i cant imagine that it will be a problem as it should not permit you from working in the near future.You are not likely to be what Oz calls a health burden with this condition.Dont worry most people have got a few little gems on their medicals (including me , a cardiac one) .I have only just sent visa application so havnt had our medicals requested yet, but im not overly worried as ive heard so much about people getting through with all sorts of conditions.

All the best


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I posted a similar response to a family with Type 1 diabetes yesterday, All medical conditions are individually assessed; the only condition that automatically precludes you entry from Oz is TB.

We had our visa granted in July 2004 (4 year independent skilled), finally sold our house etc by December, flights booked for Jan 05 with a job lined up etc.

Our youngest (7 months at the time) then suddenly fell severely ill, we cancelled our flights and she ended up being hospitalised for nearly 4 months. Eventually diagnosed with GSD type 1A – in simple terms a very rare blood glucose problem that is treated via a strict diet and a daily dosage of Allopurinol.

Our entry date was the 25th March 2005. I contacted immigration explaining our situation (I never used an agent) we were in limbo for around 6 weeks until a second medical was undertaken and eventually we were granted a 3 month extension. We finally made to Oz on June this year.

Immigration don’t like people who are burden – i.e. a high medical cost,I would think your condition would not pose too many problems.

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Guest Alison1967

Thanks I feel much better, I'm tempted to get the medical done and at least i will know one way or the other.


We are having the house totally rewired though starting from tomorrow so maybe not a present as i will be stresses with the mess and disruption.

ha ha.


I only lodged my application on 7th Nov (with police clearance)

Will it hurry things up or complicate things if i lodge before im asked ??



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Guest ironmaggi

Dave - you seem to be very clued up .... do you know how strict they are on TB at all? I know someone who had it very mildly as a child - never had any problems [apart from being refused entry to Canada for it at 21 yrs old although they weren't "ill " at all ] and is now thinking of retiring over there...would it still count? [they're as fit as a fiddle!] Sorry to put you on the spot!

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Sorry can't answer the TB question, I remember when applying for my visa I read through a great deal of health literature on the DIMA website etc. since being an asthma sufferer myself and I recall that TB was mentioned as a condition that automatically refuses a visa grant. Not sure if there is a period of being free from the condition that overcomes this.

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