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What Time?


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We are due to change the clocks next weekend and I expect it will be getting dark about 6. In the morning its still dark at 7 but next week it will be light thank goodness. Way too long this daylight saving now.


We sit outside in the evening if its warm enough and has been just recently. Mossies come around at this time of the year which is a problem but there are lots of products around to keep them at bay.

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Guest proud2beaussie

Petals is pretty spot on with her comments, at this time of year ,with no daylight saving in Melbourne it gets dark about 6PM,in the middle of winter,in July and August it's probably dark by about 5.30-5.40?,certainly isn't as bad as when I was in London last winter when it was dark by 5.00 ! but then UK summer time makes up for it when it's still light at 10.

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Guest welcometomyworld


Petals is pretty spot on with her comments, at this time of year ,with no daylight saving in Melbourne it gets dark about 6PM,in the middle of winter,in July and August it's probably dark by about 5.30-5.40?,certainly isn't as bad as when I was in London last winter when it was dark by 5.00 ! but then UK summer time makes up for it when it's still light at 10.
I love the winters in Tassie, long evenings, logs fires, candles buirning and catching up with my reading and music:jiggy:
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goodness thats early, what on earth do people do in the evenings?


what else can you do when it gets dark & TV is crap......:Randy-git:







go on POI :wink:


Do childrens activites (footie, cricket, swimming) etc still carry on or does everything just stop?


Everything carries on as normal. It just gets dark in the winter same as Europe.






Its now 7.40 and its light already, so dont worry too much.

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Guest noeleen

Im so sorry to gatecrash your thread/post but could some one please tell me how to start one of my own as really need help with visa Thanks and again very sorry for the interruption

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