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CPV - Medicals


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Hi Everyone,

Can anyone advise me on CPV medicals? I am about to apply for a CPV and I have recently been told I may need a hip replacement in the future due to oesteoarthritis and I have been advised to have it sooner rather than wait until it is a major problem for me. My GP is unaware that I am thinking of moving to Oz


I am concerned as to:-

1) whether it will affect my application if I do ask for referral to a specialist about my hip (GP records etc) ?

2) Should I have it done here in the UK while I go through the application process?

3) Should I leave it until I have my visa and have it done here in the uk before I move to Oz?


Any advice most welcome.

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Guest JoanneHattersley

I dont think I can really give you any sound advice except to say mention it to your agent/case officer.


Welcome to PIO! Whats your name? OR are we to call you "wow"???

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi wow


If you do a search on British expats there was a lady on there about 3 years ago. At the time CPVs were only taking about 6-9 months from start to finish. Hers took about 2 years because she was waiting for a hip replacement at the time of the application. She had the surgery and then there was loads of correspondence between her specialist and the Medical Officer of the Commonwealth before the MOC was content that she had made a complete recovery and could cope with the long flight to Oz.


Currently CPV applications submitted around now are expected to take about 2 years to process because the demand now exceeds the annual supply quite significantly.


Nobody can tell you what you ought to do. That is a decision for you, your children and your doctors alone.


Do bear in mind that you would need to make a fairly complete recovery before you would want to sit in an aeroplane seat for the thick end of 24 hours.


Best wishes



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Thanks Gill I will search for that thread. If I request referral to a specialist now then I would expect to have the op within 18 weeks of seeing him in my area. Given that I would be well recovered by say Oct/Nov this year.

I am beginning to think that it's best to get my health sorted asap as soon before the medicals as i can.


Joanne & Mark, you can call me June, LOL


Kind regards, June

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