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Looking for University requirements!!

Guest LianneJ

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Guest LianneJ

Hello!!! Im new to PIO and I would be very grateful if anyone could help me please!! My family and I are hoping to move to Australia (things are slowly in process!), but as I am nearly 23, I cannot go through on my family's application. I work full-time but have been told it is better to apply as a student, which I think is great as I would love to study something I should of when I left school! I have been many times, close to leaving work to go to univeristy to study HE Diploma in Operating Department Practitioner....I am unsure as to what the equivalent is in Australia, and what entry requirements I need!! Please can anyone help?? Many thanks!!!!:confused:


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Guest Suzanne0026

Hi Lianne,


Can i suggest you contact...



She is based in the uk and works for a company called Degrees Ahead. She manages all your student visas and applications to universities and guides you on what pre-requisites you need.. for free!!


She is currently helping me, i'm planning on doing a masters in teaching in July and she takes care of everything, even the application process like i said.


Please do tell her that i recommended her - Suzanne Green is my name. She is very helpful and always on hand to answer any questions, she has been a godsend to me.


Let me know how you get on.




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Guest Squem
Hello!!! Im new to PIO and I would be very grateful if anyone could help me please!! My family and I are hoping to move to Australia (things are slowly in process!), but as I am nearly 23, I cannot go through on my family's application. I work full-time but have been told it is better to apply as a student, which I think is great as I would love to study something I should of when I left school! I have been many times, close to leaving work to go to univeristy to study HE Diploma in Operating Department Practitioner....I am unsure as to what the equivalent is in Australia, and what entry requirements I need!! Please can anyone help?? Many thanks!!!!:confused:



Hi Lianne,


I'm in exactly the same situation as you... my family are looking to move over and i'm 21 so it's unlikely I will get accepted on their visa so i'm going down the University route!! Like you i finished school and went into full time work and have regretted it and wanted to go to Uni!


I have found a university that I like and have emailed them loads of questions about entry requirements! I suggest you contact the university you are looking to go to highlighting your exam results and get them to tell you if you have enough 'points'!


Be warned though the tutiton fees for an international student is alot higher than a domestic student!! One course i was looking at was £28,000 for 4 years and thats just the fees!!! :chatterbox:


Good Luck! keep us posted with how you get on!



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Guest LianneJ

Thanks Suzanne, I have emailed Joanne with a few questions I have, and I said that you recommend I contact her! I will let you know the outcome, and Good Luck with your Masters! Thanks again!


Hi Emma,

we are hoping to move to the Gold Coast area, so I think I will be contacting a few universities and get all the info I can!!

I have noticed the fees are quite alot more than the fees over here, but thanks for pointing that out anyway!

Where are you hoping to move to, and what are wanting to study?


Thanks again!


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Guest Squem

Hi Lianne,


Wow Gold Coast - Jealous! Love it there! We are hoping to move to Canberra (not by choice but because they are looking for IT bods and my dad is one) so I will be going to Canberra University! Hoping to study Tourism and Marketing Management! I'm really looking forward to it as I really feel like I missed out! And plus Uni in australia is bound to be 1 million times better than the UK!


When are you looking to go!? Semesters at CU start in August and January so i'm hoping to go in January 2010!


Emma x

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Guest LianneJ

My Dad is a Solid Plasterer so there was a few options, but fingers crossed for Gold coast!!

I really feel like I missed out too, I left school to do an apprenticeship and got employed full-time and have always wanted to go to uni, but I felt it was so hard to leave a full-time salary!!

I really want to study Operating Department Practitioner or Nursing - big change from clerical work, but hopefully the right and better choice!

I think we will be going over later than you.....wish it was sooner rather than later!!!


Lianne xx

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Guest Squem

Well I hope you get to go to the Gold Coast... I love it!! It's so nice! And the nightlife is good there... well compared to where i'm heading hehe!

I left school and went travelling around Australia then got back and decided I want to earn money and work my way up in the job world but now i'm regretting it!! Don't get me wrong I love having money but i'm not doing a job i like!!

Wow definately a big change from clerical work but definately a good change!

I'm hoping to be over there by October! So then it leaves me some time to explore the city!! If you are going over on a student visa you could go sooner than your parents as you are on your own visa! But then you would need to spend money on renting which i guess is just extra expense on top of those huge fees haha!


Keep us posted!

Emma x



I really want to study Operating Department Practitioner or Nursing - big change from clerical work, but hopefully the right and better choice!

I think we will be going over later than you.....wish it was sooner rather than later!!!

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Guest ThreeJays

Hi - I'm also hoping to go out on a student visa (rather mature student!!!) - one thing to bear in mind if you have little ones, is that you also have to educate them privately which makes it a very pricey option. For my fees (for nursing) and 3 kids schools fees for the next 3 years totals approx £50K!!!!!

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Guest LianneJ

Hi there!....wow,£50k!! It sounds so much, but it will be worth it!! I am also hoping to Study Nursing or Operating department practice.....good luck with everything! xx



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