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Brisbane v Sydney

Guest P&K

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I'm an accountant and have been living in Sydney for the past 6 months. Gorgeous city and definitely a step up from London but finding the commute, traffic and working hours don't exactly meet up to the chilled Australian lifestyle I was expecting.

Planning on moving up to Brisbane now to give that a go.

Anyone out there who's lived in Brisbane and Sydney who can give me their thoughts? Any finance people working in Brisbane who can let me know how the job situation is at the moment and how the work life balance shapes up?

Or anyone one living in Brisbane who just wants to tell me how great it is(or otherwise)?

Also, if anyone's planning any Brisbane PIO meet ups let me know as I'm going to be starting from scratch once again. This "finding a place to call home" business is hard work!



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Guest ClaireF


I'm a CIMA qualified accountant who moved to Brisbane a couple of months ago after 10 yrs in London (and originally from Sydney before that - married to an english guy which is why I check this site out as we're looking for friends too). Found the job hunt quite tough but then I was looking over Christmas which was v bad timing but still haven't found things to have picked up much since then.

Depends what kind of role you are looking for as there are jobs out there but a lot of competition for them, in your favour you'll have your work experience from the last 6 months (whereas my Aust experience was too long ago to count) but I was finding employers were looking for industry experience before even offering interviews (eg manufacturing, energy or mining are all big here).


I start next week so can't respond on the work/life balance but that's part of the reason we're up here, currently looking at a door to door commute of 25 mins and people generally seem to start early/finish early here. Govt jobs followed by govt owned corps (lots of those) followed by private industry followed by private practice seem to be the order of shortest to longest hours worked.


Happy to let you know which agencies/sites to check if you want to message me - def best to try to set something up before you get here even if it involves a few flights as the market/city in general is A LOT smaller than Sydney or London.



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I'm an accountant and have been living in Sydney for the past 6 months. Gorgeous city and definitely a step up from London but finding the commute, traffic and working hours don't exactly meet up to the chilled Australian lifestyle I was expecting.

Planning on moving up to Brisbane now to give that a go.

Anyone out there who's lived in Brisbane and Sydney who can give me their thoughts? Any finance people working in Brisbane who can let me know how the job situation is at the moment and how the work life balance shapes up?

Or anyone one living in Brisbane who just wants to tell me how great it is(or otherwise)?

Also, if anyone's planning any Brisbane PIO meet ups let me know as I'm going to be starting from scratch once again. This "finding a place to call home" business is hard work!




Hi Kate


I'm ACCA qualified but only 2 years UK experience in practice & no Aussie experience & have found nothing yet (plus i have kids & would prefer part-time) They want people who need no training & can just get straight to work so Aussie experience will set you up well. Agencies I've spoken to say competition is fierce. CBD best bet for a job. Have you looked at Seek.com? Not as many jobs there as there were a few months ago.

Make sure you pick somewhere to live near the city otherwise commute will be bad into Brisbane.

I live to the North of Brisbane & not many people i know have the "chilled" Aussie life they were expecting! Its very much an early to bed early to rise culture as it goes dark early (7pm in summer) and it can be quite a culture shock.

Good luck!


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