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Hepl!!! so many things to think about!


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Hi there hope someone can help us, this could be a bit long, sorry there is a lot we would like to know.:biggrin:


My Husband has 2 children (well young men now), they moved to Australia with their mother over 15 years ago. we have been to see them a couple of times and loved the place, so we have decided to move there.


We went onto the visa wizard, it said we may get a parent visa but it could take between 17 to 19 years - to long to wait:no: or a parent contributory visa, either permanent (subclass 143) or temporary (subclass 173).



Here are our questions

  1. How long roughly between first instalment and the 2nd.
  2. When do you find out you have been successful, after the first part or not till you pay the 2nd instalment.
  3. Once the 2nd instalment has been paid is that you ready to go or do you still have to wait on a list after that.
  4. We have 2 girls now, the eldest is 15 in May if we apply now and don't hear until after she has turned 18 do we have to pay the large 2nd instalment for her then.
  5. Is it best to get an agent and how much do they cost.

Well thats about it for now hope someone can help with some of these questions.


Thanks Clubby67

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Welcome to PiO

I do think it would be best to phone a few registered migration agents and the ones that will give you a bit of free time on the phone should be able to answer some of your questions.

Sorry I can't help myself, but if you keep bumping this qustion up someone may have some more useful advice for you.

Good luck


Sue x

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