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Guest alan_blue

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Guest alan_blue

hi all, we are moving out in june and are wondering about p20 sun cream. We usually take it on hols and just wondering can you buy it out in oz? if so is it expensive?


thanks in advance:cool:

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After some research your answer is no they do not sell it here in Australia, well I have not seen it anywhere and unless it comes in factor 30 minimum you probably will never see it, I personally would not take chances with tanning in Australia just slip, slap, slop that factor 30 on every day...


Quote from a review website,

P20 does not give you adequate protection for the day from both UVA and UVB rays.

P20 contains PABA. PABA has a dubious history as it is a known sensitizer. For this reason all other suncream manufacturers have agreed not to put it in their prouducts with the exception of P20 and Parasol. Many places refuse to stock. Boots refuse to stock it and it's banned in Australia. They are no short cuts when it comes to putting on suncream. By putting it on once a day you are only kidding yourself. P20 is a farce.

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Guest alan_blue

thats interesting as i hear so many swear by it. My brother lives in the carribean and they use it regullary. I went over and did a 12 mile walk in 30deg sun, used it and didnt burn once and i have fair skin that burns easily.



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I know nothing about the product and only posted the review to supply you with information of a product that I have never heard of or seen sold in any shops in Australia. Unlike the Carribean, Australia has hardly any ozone layer so the sun is much more intense and can burn you real quick.

The Australian authorities would not ban a product if they felt there was no reason to but they would ban a product if they felt it did not comply with what it is suppose to do. I'm sure you know that Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and for that reason you tend to stick with tried and tested products.

Most Australians don't care about tanning anyway as they have seen first hand what skin cancer can do to their friends and family, they care more about protecting themselves from the sun.

It's up to you what suncream you want to wear just make sure you look after your health as this is your number one priority...

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Guest PommieLady

P20 is a very popular product and for many years could only be brought in duty free. I've known lots of families swear by the stuff, even those whose children have lots of allergies etc. The main benefit is that you only put it on once and it is active all day. As opposed to stuff you have to reapply every few hours, which most people don't remember to do. We couldn't believe you couldn't get a product like (30-50factor) it in Oz.

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hi there, DEFINATLY NOT, I have just had a friend bring me 4 bottles of 2ooml as i asked in the chemist for it, apparently because it is german made and says on the bottle TAN WITHOUT BURNING, Australia wont let it in, my adivise is buy as much as you can and bring it with you, my daughter fryed in Turkey she was a mess , i brought P2O with me and she never burnt once or me, even in this 40 degree heat its absolutly brilliant stuff, i wish you could buy it here

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Guest alan_blue

some interesting points here and thanks by the way. That link doesnt work unfortunately, do you have another?


seems a mixed bag here so perhaps a combination of the two may be advantageous?

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Guest LX_RV86

Hi :)

I'm from the Uk so don't know if it's available in Oz, but Piz Buin once is much better than p20! I have very fair skin and p20 has never worked well for me I have always burnt! The Piz Buin also comes in a higher factor as well! (I think it's 30).

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