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Final stages of VE:175


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I recently got a c/o assigned to my VE:175 visa application after applying last July 2008. The email they sent me had 4 incomplete items:



  1. Resend passport bio data pages?
  2. Resend skills assessment?
  3. Medicals?
  4. Police Checks?


We've since had our medicals in Manchester so no problem there. Obviously the results go straight to Sydney and we'll be informed of any issues with blood tests. Today I sent our police checks to ACRO. I'm hoping this should satisfy points 3 & 4?


Although I sent colour scanned documents for items 1 & 2, the latter being my ACS acceptance letter. I'm not really sure why they are asking for them again when they we're all very clear. So my plan is to get a solicitor to certify them and resend like that. Does this sound like the right thing to do?


My wife were also talking last night and we thought....would the DIAC really send you for medicals costing over 500 pounds if they had any intention to decline your skills assessment? I certinaly hope not, any thoughts?


It's all very exciting nonetheless....




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Guest Scamp1976

How much money you spend on your visa or medicals / police checks is not a factor in the C/O's decision to grant or deny the visa. But getting a C/O is definately a very good step in the right direction, it means you've done what 95% of the people on this forum is craving for :)

Whether your chances are good or bad, I don't think anyone knows but you and the C/O. Whether you will know soon, that's pretty certain :)


good luck !

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