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working overseas but living in oz:)))


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Hi just wondered if any one knows the answer to my question:)))

We are planning on moving to oz next sept/oct. My OH might be working in Lagos and as you know we will get his wages tax free whilst still living in the


Now if we moved to oz and he was still working in Lagos would he still recieve his wages tax free or as poms living in oz would he have to pay oz tax?


Cheers Briggy and a happy new year xxx:emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest Karenina



My husband works in Malaysia and as the money comes into our Bank Acct in Aus, you will be expected to pay the Australian Tax - advice when we first moved here from our Accountant. Hope this helps

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My husband works in Malaysia and as the money comes into our Bank Acct in Aus, you will be expected to pay the Australian Tax - advice when we first moved here from our Accountant. Hope this helps


Thanks for the info Karenina, just so long as we know where we stand:)))

Thanks again Briggy:))):emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest John Sydney

I worked overseas for years rotating I wasn't on any visa - but Tax rules are Tax rules. Overseas salary is tax free - but you have to pay tax on the interest earned in Australia. You needed to be deamed an overseas resident for tax. This means you will pay tax from $1 for every dollar earned in Australia. Go and see a Accountant who deals in this type of matters

But the problem will occurr for days in Australia to get Australian citizenship you will have to count all the days in Australia

hope this helps

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On what basis would you be moving to Australia, Briggy?


Some visas allow you to ignore income and capital gains deriving from a source that is outside Australia.


If you are moving to Australia as a permanent resident or as a citizen you would be subject to Australian tax on your worldwide income and capital gains - subject to the provisions of any applicable double tax treaties.


As others have said, this is generally an area where some professional advice will be necessary - would the employer help meet these costs?


Best regards.

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My husband works in Malaysia and as the money comes into our Bank Acct in Aus, you will be expected to pay the Australian Tax - advice when we first moved here from our Accountant. Hope this helps


Where monies are remitted generally isn't an issue - the source of the income, your tax residency status, and whether you are a temporary tax resident of Australia (as defined) will usually be the factors impacting on the liability to tax in Australia.


Best regards.

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On what basis would you be moving to Australia, Briggy?


Some visas allow you to ignore income and capital gains deriving from a source that is outside Australia.


If you are moving to Australia as a permanent resident or as a citizen you would be subject to Australian tax on your worldwide income and capital gains - subject to the provisions of any applicable double tax treaties.


As others have said, this is generally an area where some professional advice will be necessary - would the employer help meet these costs?


Best regards.

EE I'm soo confuzzled:((((

Right I will try to explain.

Me and my OH are have applied for permanent residency in oz we are going on a state sponsered visa for queensland. My OH is classed as a cabinet maker. But he was in the forces doing stores, now in January 09 he may have the chance to go and work in Lagos doing stores again, been as tho work is crap in the uk at the mo. So all I was wondering is if we move out to oz next sept/oct 09 and he is working overseas, do we pay oz tax as in the uk the overseas money would be tax free:))))

Is the money from overseas always going to be taxed in oz, or is it for a few years?

Just trying to find out before he dose go if he gets the chance. Is it going to be worth it in the long run, and will it effect our visa's?

Hope this makes it a bit clearer:)))

many thanks for your help:)))

I would be living in oz while my OH might be working overseas.

happy new year Briggy:))):emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest Karenina

Hi Briggy

If you make contact with Graham Moore on graham.moore@pt.qld.gov.au he will be able to advise . He is our Accountant and has been a godsend. Tell him that Trevor & Karenina Taylor have recommended him to you. We too are in QLD - Graham is based in Brisbane

My husband was in the Forces some years ago based at RAF Lyneham

Good luck and a very Happy New Year


Karenina x ( keep in touch)

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Hi Briggy

If you make contact with Graham Moore on graham.moore@pt.qld.gov.au he will be able to advise . He is our Accountant and has been a godsend. Tell him that Trevor & Karenina Taylor have recommended him to you. We too are in QLD - Graham is based in Brisbane

My husband was in the Forces some years ago based at RAF Lyneham

Good luck and a very Happy New Year


Karenina x ( keep in touch)


Hello Karenina.


This email address is at the QLD Public Trustee's office. Is the chap you mention in public practice as an accountant too?


Best regards.

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EE I'm soo confuzzled:((((

Right I will try to explain.

Me and my OH are have applied for permanent residency in oz we are going on a state sponsered visa for queensland. My OH is classed as a cabinet maker. But he was in the forces doing stores, now in January 09 he may have the chance to go and work in Lagos doing stores again, been as tho work is crap in the uk at the mo. So all I was wondering is if we move out to oz next sept/oct 09 and he is working overseas, do we pay oz tax as in the uk the overseas money would be tax free:))))

Is the money from overseas always going to be taxed in oz, or is it for a few years?

Just trying to find out before he dose go if he gets the chance. Is it going to be worth it in the long run, and will it effect our visa's?

Hope this makes it a bit clearer:)))

many thanks for your help:)))

I would be living in oz while my OH might be working overseas.

happy new year Briggy:))):emoticon-signxmas:


Hello again Briggy.


I assume your OH will be receiving salaried income from outside Australia. If so, and if your OH is also a tax resident of Australia it is probable - emphasis PROBABLE - that the overseas earned income will be exempt from the charge to tax in Australia.


However, if there is other income that is not exempt and is assessable in Australia the fact that there is exempt employment income will most probably impact on the rate of Australian tax that is applied to the Australian assessable income.


In summary - it is complicated, and you may want to explore this issue more fully before you make a decision as to where your OH will work.


In case of need: Collett & Co


Best regards.

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Hi Briggy

If you make contact with Graham Moore on graham.moore@pt.qld.gov.au he will be able to advise . He is our Accountant and has been a godsend. Tell him that Trevor & Karenina Taylor have recommended him to you. We too are in QLD - Graham is based in Brisbane

My husband was in the Forces some years ago based at RAF Lyneham

Good luck and a very Happy New Year


Karenina x ( keep in touch)


Happy new year too:)))

I will deffinatley take on board what you have said and if my OH decides to work abbroad I will be in contact with graham more, thanks ever so much for your help:)))

Kindest regards Brig xxx:)))

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Hello again Briggy.


I assume your OH will be receiving salaried income from outside Australia. If so, and if your OH is also a tax resident of Australia it is probable - emphasis PROBABLE - that the overseas earned income will be exempt from the charge to tax in Australia.


However, if there is other income that is not exempt and is assessable in Australia the fact that there is exempt employment income will most probably impact on the rate of Australian tax that is applied to the Australian assessable income.


In summary - it is complicated, and you may want to explore this issue more fully before you make a decision as to where your OH will work.


In case of need: Collett & Co




Hi thanks again for the information, it still sounds complicated to me. But we will look into this in more detail before we take the plunge.

Think my OH will have to talk to his accountant and see what they come up with:)))

Have a great new year and many thanks:)))

Here's to the new year and a new life down under:)))


Cheers Brig xxx:)

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Thanks Brig.


In deciding who to go to for advice please bear in mind that there are only a few accountants who are familiar with Australian tax, UK tax, and residency/non-residency issues. I would ask some pertinent questions (where you think you already know the answers) and gauge the adequacy of the response.


Best regards.

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Thanks Brig.


In deciding who to go to for advice please bear in mind that there are only a few accountants who are familiar with Australian tax, UK tax, and residency/non-residency issues. I would ask some pertinent questions (where you think you already know the answers) and gauge the adequacy of the response.


Best regards.

Happy New year and thankyou for the addvice will take on board and check every thing before taking the plunge:))))

Thanks again Alan

Brig x:))):yes:

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  • 4 months later...
Guest emma270

My partner has been working overseas, he does this 91 days then comes home for 3 weeks. He didnt have to pay tax, the company had told him this. THis was up until yesterday, the lovely Labour government will now be taxing him on his earnings. I am not very happy with this as we will now be paying 40 grand a year in tax! He planed on going overseas to work for the next couple of years to get us ahead but this doesnt look likely now. It feels we work hard to build our future and then have it taken off us!!! :mad:

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Guest proud2beaussie

Sorry but I can't see why you think you shouldn't have to pay tax like everyone else.

As for working hard for a future,well to be honest it's part of life,unless you come from a very wealthy family we all have to work hard to get ahead.

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Guest emma270

I knew i would get a reply like this! All im saying is he went overseas to get us ahead as we were struggling and now there doesnt seem much point! He is already paying tax in another country anyway!!

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Guest proud2beaussie

Hi emma,

You have not offended anyone,certainly not me and I am happy to apologise if my reply offended you,that was not the intention of my post.

And by the way I am nearly 100% sure that Australia has an agreement with the UK which will prevent double taxation so you shouldn't lose out due to the latest changes.

I would suggest you see a good tax agent as soon as possible.

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Guest emma270

He is in West Africa working, so not sure how it will work. Will be finding out soon as im not sure when we have to start paying tax. Thats ok you didnt offend me, i just didnt want to get in an argument i can see what you are saying.

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Guest proud2beaussie

Fair enough Emma,no harm done.just a misunderstanding between friends.

I really do think you should see either a financial adviser (They often have them at banks)or a good tax agent or accountant to ensure you get the right advice.


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