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Skills Assessment

Guest derek&luci

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Guest derek&luci

Hi, I am a computer support analyst with 20 years experience but no degree, only a couple of course certificates and 2 years Open University Undergraduate study. My wife is a hairdresser who has not been hairdressing for the last 9 years, although she has about 10 years experience previous to raising the kids (now aged 5 and 12). She has lost her old certificates and is trying to get them at the moment...


What is the best Visa app to go for?

and Is it advisable for my wife to do a refresher course?

and Who would be best going forward as the main applicant?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


We are hoping to go to Sydney, and would also like to know if employers actually use the skills database to offer jobs to immigrants - we would love to hear any success stories!




Derek&Luci, Essex.

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