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TRA - Again!!!!

Guest carla&trev

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Guest carla&trev



I have another question about this TRA form which I hope someone can help me with!!!! Sorry I am becoming a pest on here about this form, what will I be like if I manage to pass and actually get to apply for a visa!!!


My next query is that between 1996 and 2003 my husband left plastering (because of recession in building trade) and went onto groundworking (digging holes for utility companies!). As this has nothing to do with his skills assessment, how much do I have to show/prove on this? I obviously want to include it, as to fib about it would be too tricky but will it cause any problems and if so, what forseeable problems do you think there might be. It just occurred to me that although I have the P60s for his time employed I can't get references because they no longer have his details because it is more than 3 years ago, so do I need to do a Stat Dec for it? If so, would one Stat Dec covering the total time of employment be enough?




Please can someone just give me a nudge in the right direction?!!!!! - Again!!!!



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hi carla

i cannot help with this question im afraid but i just want to say good luck and good on you for doing yourself. i took a look at it all and decided to use an agent, we have found one that does the tra for you so they are worth their weight in gold as far as im concerened.

im not good at form filling especially when its as complex and important as this, i didnt want to do it wrong and stuff our chances

good luck with it all


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I neither have experience of this but if you think its too complicated to fib ,i guess a stat dec preferably an indepth one wrote by yourself including job tasks and tools and just ask them to sign it.good luck

Cal x


p.s your not a pset thats what this sites for have you seen how many questions i asked when in the UK ???????

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