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help please

Guest frankie baby

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Guest frankie baby

im posting a thread for my mums friend because she doesnt no how to use pomz in oz :huh:


her name is vanessa she has been over here on a student visa she is now 30 and just go married to her patner and have tried to apply for thier permanent residancy visa's as the ones they have atm run out in may and they really dont want to go back to the uk (too cold) and they love the aussie life style

but they found out that they didnt have enough points to apply they have been thinking about trying for state sponsership

but have no idea how to apply for one or how long it will take to all go through


if anyone actually knows how to and what is involved how long it takes to go through and all the rest please send me a message..


dont want them to go home :(


x fran x

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hello frankie, im afraid im no expert on this but am just replying because at the mo it seems your not getting many replies, all i can say is that just like most things with oz its a bit complicated and involved,i really think your mums mate could do with coming on here and searching through the threads on state sponsorship mate,its not something that you can do by getting a young girl like yourself to do for you im afraid.im useless with computers but even i can work my way around here,so im sure she can.i just dont think she can sort out all the red tape through a third party,i admire you for trying to help her but theres no way you can do this for her i dont think anyway,but if you type in state sponsorship in search you might get some help.other people on here can help because they know an awfull lot about all this,im sure they will be along to help you,but it would obviously be a lot easier talking to the person involved,good luck anyway frankie,p.s sack that shirt and get a lpool one:yesxmas:

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hello Fran


Every month I download and read some of the cases reported in the Migration Review Tribunal. The business of onshore students not having enough points for the visa seems to be a common problem - I don't really understand why.


Has Vanessa consulted a Registered Migration Agent in Australia? They are the people with the real expertise with this particular problem.


To give you an idea of how State Sponsorship works, I reckon that the website controlled by the State Migration Centre in West Australia is the easiest one to follow:


State Migration Centre Skilled Migration


Hmmmm. Reading their Announcement, it sounds to me like graduates are flocking to WA in an effort to try to get round the points problem. Where is Vanessa at the moment?


The relevant visas are here:


Visa Options – Professionals and other Skilled Migrants – Workers – Visas & Immigration


Would the subclass 485 visa be any use to Vanessa in the short term?


Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485)


If Vanessa cannot find a competent migration agent reasonably close to wherever she is, I would suggest that you encourage her to contact George Lombard in Sydney:


Visa Info | George Lombard Consultancy Pty. Ltd.


Or Go Matilda in Melbourne or Brisbane:


Go Matilda - Your Gateway to Australia - Contact and Feedback


Neither of the firms above would get it wrong or let her down.


I do know for sure that collectively on Poms in Oz, we do not have enough knowhow to provide adequate help by ourselves. I think Vanessa really should get advice from someone who knows what they are doing with onshore visas for graduate students.


Best wishes



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Guest frankie baby
hello frankie, im afraid im no expert on this but am just replying because at the mo it seems your not getting many replies, all i can say is that just like most things with oz its a bit complicated and involved,i really think your mums mate could do with coming on here and searching through the threads on state sponsorship mate,its not something that you can do by getting a young girl like yourself to do for you im afraid.im useless with computers but even i can work my way around here,so im sure she can.i just dont think she can sort out all the red tape through a third party,i admire you for trying to help her but theres no way you can do this for her i dont think anyway,but if you type in state sponsorship in search you might get some help.other people on here can help because they know an awfull lot about all this,im sure they will be along to help you,but it would obviously be a lot easier talking to the person involved,good luck anyway frankie,p.s sack that shirt and get a lpool one:yesxmas:


thanks for the reply ohh she has been on here thats why im leaving a post for her because she is useless at this site

well if i changed to a lpool shirt my dad would kill me he's got the idea man u are something special :nerdxmas:

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thanks for the reply ohh she has been on here thats why im leaving a post for her because she is useless at this site

well if i changed to a lpool shirt my dad would kill me he's got the idea man u are something special :nerdxmas:

well she must be useless if she cant use this site! im useless with computers and find i can do most things, maybe you can show her,i think as gill has said an agent is what she needs, tell your dad not to worry about it, every town has to have 1:biglaugh:,good luck with it any mate

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  • 2 years later...
Guest frankie baby
hi there frankie my lad says how old are you


hey OMG ive just realised how long ago you asked how old i was sorry abou that havent sed this sitein a long long time haha im well i was 18 when you asked but now im 20 (21 next month) sorry for the late reply

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