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The truth about living in oz

Guest Macca Roo

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Guest Macca Roo

There have been many posts on this site that have been less than complimentary about what people have found Australia to be like. I have been here only three weeks and am pleased to report that, compared to the UK, it has been an absolute pleasure living in Oz. Here are some examples....


- when you go to the supermarket or the shopping centre, you get a park. No driving round for 10 minutes to find a space. we went to a retail park on a sunday and parked outside the door! with plenty of spaces around us to choose from!

- people talk to you. they are friendly. they are helpful. the assistant in the toy shop gave us a load of wrapping paper for free!! yes free!! all because we had another present to wrap up and would have had to go to another store to get it. would this really happen in the uk?

- on the whole, shop assistants know what they are talking about. you ask a question and you get a knowledgeable response! no terse response 'sorry mate if it's not on the shelf we ain't got it'. and there are loads of staff on hand to help.

- supermarkets - now alot of people have been particularly scathing about ozzie supermarkets but I tell you something....I think they are FAR BETTER!! yes they do look a bit more old fashioned, but is that a bad thing? they aren't packed out so you can't move for one, they open up tills if you are waiting and they pack your bags. you don't have to park a mile away. you get plenty of fresh produce and it's just not a stressful experience going in to one (i used to hate going food shopping in the uk)


just a few trivial things I know but all they all contribute to a lifestyle that is far more relaxed and helpful than in the uk. so to any people back in the uk who have seen the negative posts (generally from people I suspect who had never been to australia before committing their whole life to it) and were having doubts.......DON'T, Australia is a fantastic country and the people in it are great too. Come on over!!!

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Guest Guest9973

Good observations - the trivial things and experiences have had a huge and compounding effect on me over my 8 years here.


It's not always "In yer face" - in can be very subtle as well - here in Adelaide she is a grand lady who reveals her charms slowly.

We took some friends to a meeting at the Sea Rescue Squadron here last night - they thoroughly enjoyed finding another charm revealed if you see what I mean.:winkxmas:


Welcome to PIA as well,may your settlement continue to be enjoyable!:emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest Paul_compy
(generally from people I suspect who had never been to australia before committing their whole life to it)


You know often when I read a thread where someone is bashing the country I do wonder if they actually spent any length of time there before making the huge decision to up sticks and move?


It's such a massive life style change to make when the only experience of the place is from the media and other peoples storys.


Where I live (or where I will be living as on January) is right out of the city and it does feel like something out of the 50's (I've seen that used in threads as a bad thing) in relation to the speed at which day to day life moves BUT that's why I'm going. Life moves at a million miles an hour in the UK and I'm here to experience my life, not waste it away rushing around. I love the laid back lifestyle that Australia has to offer but it isn't for everyone. So just bear in mind if you're going thing's are a tad different on the other side.


I for one love it and cannot wait to get back!



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Guest dan&nikki

well said Paul compy, i think all too often people go thinking it 'should' be like the UK in Oz....but its not, and people should embrace that fact - thank GOD its not like the UK (or we wouldnt be going!!)

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Guest tandcmum

good post, sounds like you are enjoying your time in Oz so far


I think you have to take the negative posts for what they are and not get too wrapped up in them, there can be good bits of info in them but at the end of the day it is like review sites, people only tend to put reviews on when they aren't happy about things

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Guest Guest9973
You know often when I read a thread where someone is bashing the country I do wonder if they actually spent any length of time there before making the huge decision to up sticks and move?


It's such a massive life style change to make when the only experience of the place is from the media and other peoples storys.


Where I live (or where I will be living as on January) is right out of the city and it does feel like something out of the 50's (I've seen that used in threads as a bad thing) in relation to the speed at which day to day life moves BUT that's why I'm going. Life moves at a million miles an hour in the UK and I'm here to experience my life, not waste it away rushing around. I love the laid back lifestyle that Australia has to offer but it isn't for everyone. So just bear in mind if you're going thing's are a tad different on the other side.


I for one love it and cannot wait to get back!




Living a few years behind Europe is really not a bad thing - I often think people are scared of it and seriously cannot handle that sort of lifestyle -even though they want it - through rosy coloured glasses.


Gimme living on the outskirts anyday:yesxmas::yesxmas:

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Guest guest17301
Supermarkets were rubbish in Perth IMO and shut just after they had opened...where are you..:madxmas:


Like you ever went shopping oh fridgeless one:biglaugh:Bet that chicken shack has gone out of business now you've left!

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Guest earlswood
Like you ever went shopping oh fridgeless one:biglaugh:Bet that chicken shack has gone out of business now you've left!


I could never go shopping as when i finished work they were all shut...and when I dis get in one everyone was in bare feet which added to the cheese display aroma.

when are you going anyway Fiona.

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Guest annemarie and brian

Thank you for that post,


I cant wait to get there i have never been but

i am looking forward to actually slow down

and enjoy my children and my husband in stead

of being ships in the night.




p.s. to go back to shopping like the 80's

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Guest earlswood
Thank you for that post,


I cant wait to get there i have never been but

i am looking forward to actually slow down

and enjoy my children and my husband in stead

of being ships in the night.




p.s. to go back to shopping like the 80's

co-op and Woolworths :wideyedxmas:

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Guest tandcmum

having a husband who works in retail it will be nice to go somewhere where he doesn't have to work all the hours god sends. It might be okay having 24 hour supermarkets and shops that close for just and hour on xmas day but when you have to work in them it's different.


Personally i think the 24 hour supermarkets and the fact the UK has gone into this open all hours, not worthy unless you are shoping malarky is part of it's demise

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Guest annemarie and brian
having a husband who works in retail it will be nice to go somewhere where he doesn't have to work all the hours god sends. It might be okay having 24 hour supermarkets and shops that close for just and hour on xmas day but when you have to work in them it's different.


Personally i think the 24 hour supermarkets and the fact the UK has gone into this open all hours, not worthy unless you are shoping malarky is part of it's demise



I agree with you i work in retail and i only have xmas day off

and new years day as i refuse to work on that day other wise

i would be in.


so i know how you feel as my hubby has that with me.

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Guest guest17301
I could never go shopping as when i finished work they were all shut...and when I dis get in one everyone was in bare feet which added to the cheese display aroma.

when are you going anyway Fiona.


We leave 26th Jan Earl. Still doesn't feel real. Are you still enjoying the UK?

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Guest treesea
having a husband who works in retail it will be nice to go somewhere where he doesn't have to work all the hours god sends. It might be okay having 24 hour supermarkets and shops that close for just and hour on xmas day but when you have to work in them it's different.


Personally i think the 24 hour supermarkets and the fact the UK has gone into this open all hours, not worthy unless you are shoping malarky is part of it's demise


I had the opposite impression, coming back to Britain after many years in Australia. Chadstone for example, a major shopping centre in Melbourne, is open 24 hours a day - as in the whole shopping centre, not just the supermarket - on the 23rd and 24th of December. And late night 9 am to 9pm or 10pm ) during the weeks coming up to christmas. Here (Edinburgh), late night means shutting at 7pm, there is only one late night for the week, and sunday shopping is 10am to 4pm. The latest John Lewis opens, for instance, coming up to Christmas, is until 8pm. All rather civilised really, after living in the shopaholic's paradise of Melbourne.

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Not sure if he ever left :skepticalxmas:




PIO Turnip


It does make you wonder??!!!.....if you hated a counrty soooooooooo much and moved back to the UK where you tell everyone its sooooooooooo great, why would you keep posting on a site to do with Oz...the place you want to forget???...ummmmmmm!!:no:

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Guest Angelcake

Hi Ive been here nearly 2 weeks now (Brisbane) and completely agree with you.


From posts Id read on here I imagined the shops to be bordering on eastern european, and that Id be stepping back in time to the 1970's.


Ive found it the complete opposite!! The shops are Chermside are open for 48hrs non-stop in the run up to Xmas, most areas have a thurs night late night shopping. I love that they pack your bags for you, the variety is absolutely fine as far as Im concerned. The staff Ive found friendly and helpful too.


I've always got a free parking space, even 3 weeks before Xmas!! Last Sunday we went to the beach, parked for free right by the beach, got a covered picnic area and free BBQ and shared the whole beach with a handful of families!!! The sun shone, the sea was warm and we were in heaven!!


I'm absolutely loving Australia and all its differences!!



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