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Work Contract Cancelled

Guest Tina1980

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Guest Tina1980

Hi All,


I dont know whether anyone may have any information on this but this is the dilema:


I am still in the UK and had secured a job within recruitment and am due to fly to out on 2nd Jan. My class 457 visa has been approaved and I was all good to go. Now with 30 days before I fly, i have been advised that the company can no longer honour my contract due to hard times within the business.


They are still covering my flght costs, but have advised that they are informing the DIAC to cancel my visa.


Obviously I am all set to fly out and have left my job here in the Uk and have rented my house out, so need to get this sorted ASAP.


Any information with regards to visa, work etc would be really appreciated.





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Guest Gollywobbler

Hello Tina


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


One our other members, Waltheplasterer, had exactly the same experience as you a couple of months ago:


He wrote:


Hi Jodie dirk,

Just read your thread and had to post a reply. We were sponsored by a company in Perth at the end of last year and a couple we know from the north of england were also sponsored by the same company at the same time. We got the wheels in motion and received our 457 visas in July this year. The other couple had got their visas much quicker than us, they also had 2 daughters aged 13 and 17. They sold their house quite quickly and flew out to start their new life in Perth in June this year, at this point we were still waiting for our visas. They arrived in Perth and set about setting up a new home and starting to live their dream. They took a 12 month rental property, bought two cars, bought all new furniture for their new home, enrolled their younger daughter in school (which she absolutely loved) and the eldest daughter got herself a job at the same place her Mum was working at. All was well until the sponsor started completely taking the P**s. He did not want to pay any tax for him, his attitude was "well I got you in the country, what more do you want". He did not want to pay superannuation and was basically becoming a complete a**hole. It turned into a complete nightmare for them.

We had taken our whole lives apart and were booked to fly out to Perth in September and then all of a sudden we had a 2 line e-mail from the prospective employer saying sorry, no longer have a job for you and have cancelled your visa with the DIAC. We were obviously devastated and the very next day we received official notification from the DIAC to say they had cancelled our visas and we had 28 days to find another sponsor or nothing. It is completely rigid and ridiculous, the DIAC said they were satisfied to cancel the visas as we had not yet entered Australia and therefore it would have minimum impact on our lives! They certainly didn't take into account that we had sold our home and it's entire content of furniture, we had given up jobs and we had taken our whole lives apart and were a fortnight away from getting on the plane.

Meanwhile the couple who were already there were trying desperately to find a new sponsor but after exploring every possible avenue they just couldn't and they ended up having to return to the UK in October. Nedless to say they were devastated and did not want to leave Australia at all.

I also contacted Senator Chris Evans by e-mail and just got a reply saying find another sponsor or feel free to apply to a new kind of visa,end of!

The system stinks, we have now had to go back to square one and are now going for a 175 so that we will not be at the mercy of anyone when we do get there.



Jodie Dirk's situation is arguably even worse because they are already in Oz:




Will the erstwhile sponsor agree to cover your additional expenses - rent, looking for a new job in the UK etc?


Do you have a degree or a diploma level qualification? If so, I would recommend that you look at trying to get a positive skills assessment and then obtaining a GSM visa from the outset so that this situation cannot happen to you again:


A-Z Occupations List - Australian Skills Recognition Information


Visa Options – Professionals and other Skilled Migrants – Workers – Visas & Immigration


Australian General Skilled Migration Booklet


Best wishes



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Guest The "legdes"

I have heard a similar story this week. A family moved out there, settled in etc etc and after almost a year the company sponsoring folded. No other job could be found so they are now back here.

Seems to me not enough warnings are given when people go out on these visas and DIAC etc really should be more accommodating. I personally wouldn't touch these visas with a barge pole unless I was prepared to consider the move as temporary.


So sorry its all gone wrong and I really do hope that you get some good news to put it all right.

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Guest The "legdes"



Just noticed you are in recruitment - so was the family I posted about. Sounds like you are victim of the credit crunch .

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