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New (free?) solar water heating?

Guest nee

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Whilst watching Australian Idol on Channel Ten last night, a "quick news update" came on during one of the breaks with one of the stories being that "the government have introduced a scheme to get a free solar hot water system" which for us is great news as were looking to have this fitted anyway.


So we thought we'd find out more on the Ten news website...nothing. We Googled for ages before my wife stumbled across this, which to be honest isn't exactly very informative. Scheme aims to boosts solar hot water system numbers - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


I'd describe that as very vague at best!


Does anyone have any more info...like who to contact for starters!!??

Thought there would be a lot more info available, but can't find anything about it. :(

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Thanks for the reply Tim :)


Although the link you've provided seems to be going "all solar" and not just "solar water heating" which is what we heard on the news.


We are aware of the $1000 rebate already in place as described on that site

Solar Hot Water Rebate Program - Home Page

but the news item definately said "free" as opposed to just "$1000 rebate"...plus this was only on yesterdays news, making me think that it was something new as opposed to something that has been in place since July.

Thanks for that though, and i will update this if and when i find anything else out!

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It may be that the "free" bit they are referring to is the sun. As most of the sites mention free sun on their sites. I think its still just the rebate we get.


Ah ok, that's probably it then!


We got fooled into thinking it was something new seeing as it was on last nights news...it did sound like it was something different to what was already available as it was on one of those 30 second news updates in between programmes :(


Ah well!

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