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Arrogant rental agencies Gold Coast


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We are at the end of a 15 month rental lease with a company called {Name Removed** situated in Robina. We would just like to say that we have had nothing but trouble with them in the last few months and cannot recommend them to people arriving here. Some of our friends have been luckily enough to have really good agents when renting, our three sets of neighbours were lucky to be able to leave and go with another letting agency, but we had to stay as we could'nt find a short term rental to take animals. The staff at {Name Removed** agreed to extend our lease over the phone, then denied it and as we then did'nt receive anything in writing from them, found we did'nt have a leg to stand on, when I questioned the member of staff who had dealt with this matter over the phone, she agreed that she was going to extend the lease, then when she was confronted by her boss about this, the member of staff denied ever saying it (even though the conversation has only taken place 20 minutes previously). Their attitudes are arrogant towards you and I have ended up in tears over their rudeness and threats. They give us twenty fours hours notice so they can show prospective new tenants around, the postmark on the envelope has the day before the open house so these have been arriving on the day of the open house, so we don't get any notice and then get told by them that the letter was dated 2 days before. We question this as we take time off work so we can be there, who wants strangers looking round the house with all your personals and valuables there and we then get told "read your contract" and we are now having to have multiple viewings in one day, which means us haviing to stay there all day.They threatened to take us to court and get the police involved, so just please beware. Moving into a half finished house next week, but can't wait, even if we have to rough it for a while.:arghh::arghh:

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I have had bad experiences with RE agents in Sydney area. Have now bought a house and am glad don't have to deal with RE agents again. The area I rented in was in what is known as a 'low socio-economic area' (all I could afford at the time - and I have a couple of small dogs too!!) I guess they are use to dealing with 'drop kicks' in this area and must think that everyone who rents in the area is a 'drop kick' - the guy was rude to say least - talked down to me as if I was dirt under his boot - and I was trying to be polite and reasonable - maybe he just didn't like English people! I wish I had reported him in hindsight - people don't deserve to get away with unnecessary rudeness and disrespect - guess he thought himself very important - I just thought he was an uneducated a****- Australia has more than its fair share of rude people in jobs dealing with the public (and some very nice people too of course - mustn't generalise I suppose!!!

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