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How sad am I...!!!!


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Our TRA application went off yesterday. Weighed 3KG in all!!!! We sent it by courier so we can track it all the way there and so far I have checked it's progress about 150 times - it physically can't have got there yet but I can't stop looking!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'm like this for TRA what am I gonna be like for the visa (assuming we pass TRA of course). If it takes more than a couple of weeks I think I'll have a breakdown - patience has never been my strong point!


A very stressed Nicky :err:

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Our TRA application went off yesterday. Weighed 3KG in all!!!! We sent it by courier so we can track it all the way there and so far I have checked it's progress about 150 times - it physically can't have got there yet but I can't stop looking!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'm like this for TRA what am I gonna be like for the visa (assuming we pass TRA of course). If it takes more than a couple of weeks I think I'll have a breakdown - patience has never been my strong point!


A very stressed Nicky :err:


Lol Nicky, I'd be exactly the same! Atleast you've sent it!


Good luck... hopefully you'll here about it very soon... everything's crossed!!!


Dan x

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Guest Dionne and Rickie

Hi there nicky,

Well done with sending it off, we waited exactly 3 weeks for ours to come back successfull(we used agent) so didn't think that was that long at all the best thing to do is once you no its there safe and well is to forget all about it and the time will pass a lot quicker and then you will find it turns up when you least expect it, ours did.:spinny:

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Guest lilly mist

hey ..well done to the first step...


I think we are all the same to start with but as time passes you will just begin to get on with life here and let it take its course..


I thought im never gunna get though this cos i kep checking every 5 mins for any info at all and i was driving my self mad..


But now im just like well send that form and forget about it..


Also if you read too much pio that can also lead to doubts and issues of anger and saddness right though to happness for others so be warned take it all with a pinch of salt and keep your own path in mind!!

You will feel every emotion there is for weeks hang on in there and im sure you will begin to feel a bit more level headed about the whole thing..


Good luck to you...

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Guest Redaussies
Our TRA application went off yesterday. Weighed 3KG in all!!!! We sent it by courier so we can track it all the way there and so far I have checked it's progress about 150 times - it physically can't have got there yet but I can't stop looking!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'm like this for TRA what am I gonna be like for the visa (assuming we pass TRA of course). If it takes more than a couple of weeks I think I'll have a breakdown - patience has never been my strong point!


A very stressed Nicky :err:

Many people reckon the TRA is the hardest part with all the documents and things that go into it. So give yourself a pat on the back, and good luck with all your plans. Hopefully you will get a reply in the next few weeks and the next step should be plain sailing all the way to OZ


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