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going over on hubby's skills but I would like to work too!


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Hi, I am hoping to move out to Perth next year with my family on my husbands skills. I am currently a housewife but would like to work in the future. I was before I had my daughter a day care nursery manager and have a diploma in nursery nursing. What I would like to know is what do I need to do so that I could work? Do I need to change my qualifications etc? if anyone could help that would be great! Thanks. Sarah x :unsure:

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Hi Sarah:

Welcome to PIO - I suppose it'll depend on the Visa your OH gets (which is why you do need to consider all the options!) My OH has 136 Skilled Independent, so I can work too, do whatever anyone will pay me to do, but if I wanted to go back to teaching, I'd have to basically do a 3/4 yr degree course - ouch! Too poor & too old probably for that!! I would imagine that with your skill you'll probably have to go back to school here to get qualified/certified... You can go on line & check out all the different classes in your prospective area, there seems to be plenty of choices & maybe contact the school to see if your qualifications will count for anything, or if you'll have to re-do the whole course - would be unfortunate... One thing when you fill out visa app, if you are considering going back to your profession then just check that you intend working with children, maybe they do extra checks...

I don't really know the answer, but just suggest you do some local research before re-doing a course here in UK, that still might not be worth anything in OZ... All the best... it is a palaver!!


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