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Totally bemused!!


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Decided tonight would be the night to start the online visa application - and getting nowhere fast. It just seems so blooming complicated! Partner is a nurse of 10 years, but has not got a job over there - no started to look as yet. If we wanted to make a start on this process which number do we apply for - 175??? :goofy: I am sure the system is sent to deter you getting in!

Maybe I just want it to be simple, but can anyone give me a tiny little clue on which number I should be at least looking at - to get the ball rolling!?

much obliged :notworthy:

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hi there, if you have a skill, its a 175 visa or there are threads on here particually for nurses, who have gone on other visa's 175 independant not tied to any state free to move arround Australia , 176 is state sponsored, best advise i can give you is ring a agent for free advise and go from there, we went with MIGRATION EXPERT and i can honestly say it was the best £1300 we spent, money up front but no hidden extra's like with other companys, if you want there contact numbers just pm us

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It definitely sounds like a 175 visa but i would definitely get some advice from a migration agent, many (most?) do the first consultation free & that would be enough to determine the best visa to apply for even if you decided to apply on your own.


I've got mixed feelings about whether the £2400 we paid has been worth it, OH reckons he couldn't have done the skills assessment without their help (ACS - Computing) but the visa application itself we could have done easily - mind you I would have never known that we could gain an extra 5 points for the profession I graduated in even though I've not done it for 10 years.


At our initial appointment the agent said to us, if you were in your 20s and a nurse you'd be wasting your money paying for an agent.........so make of that what you will (I bet he wouldn't say that to you if you turned up at his office with the readies!)



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Thanks very much - we're ok on the 'nurse' front, but far from ok on the 'twenties'!! Only 20 years out - but what's that matter!!!

I am on here now trying to make a start - think I'm too tired, will resume again tomorrow; might feel refreshed!

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Guest Gollywobbler

Decided tonight would be the night to start the online visa application - and getting nowhere fast. It just seems so blooming complicated! Partner is a nurse of 10 years, but has not got a job over there - no started to look as yet. If we wanted to make a start on this process which number do we apply for - 175??? :goofy: I am sure the system is sent to deter you getting in!

Maybe I just want it to be simple, but can anyone give me a tiny little clue on which number I should be at least looking at - to get the ball rolling!?

much obliged :notworthy:


Hi Alibags


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


Please do not be tempted to submit a visa application unless you are absolutely certain that you are eligible for the visa you are applying for. If you get it wrong, DIAC will pocket £££ of your money and they will not necessarily let you change your minds about which visa you want later on. You could end up having to pay two lots of £££ for two separate applications, so please do be careful.


You say that your wife is a nurse and that she is the main visa applicant. Have you obtained a positive skills assessment for her? If not, you must do that before you apply for the visa because otherwise DIAC will reject the visa application on the ground that it is not a valid application.


Then you must check your points very carefully. It sounds as if your wife may be in her 40s? If so, once people are 40 they lose points and it is very, very common for their overall points total to come out at 115, not the necessary 120, even with MODL points.


Skilled – Independent (Migrant) visa (subclass 175)


If you are going to be short of points, I strongly recommend that you work out how you are going to overcome the problem before you submit the visa application.


Best wishes



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Thanks Gollywobbler - although you have given me collywobbles!! Deep breath, cup of tea, might need to furiously clean the house OCD style to settle my nerves again.

I believe we have 125 points - taking into consideration Tom (the nurse) is an old codger at 42 - but I am going to take up everyones' super advice and call a migration expert to get some advice before I start.

I rather fancied trying to do the application on my own - to save money really - and wondered, once they have you on the ophone do they freeely give out their advice- or is there a catch??

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hello Alibags


How do you get to 125 on Tom's points, please, because at the moment I am getting 115 for him, based on what you have said on the forum so far?


I'm getting the following:


15 - Age

15 - Competent English

60 - Nominated Occupation

10 - Specific Work Experience (probably)

15 - MODL points


115 - Total. Therefore has Tom done the IELTS and attained 7.0 or above in all 4 modules so as to get him up to 125 points?


I think you definitely need to slow down and work this out properly, though I do not think that you necessarily need to hire an Agent. What you cannot do safely is to try to cut corners with a DIY application, however. If you try that, the chances are high that you will come unstuck.


So let us go right back to basics, I suggest. Has Tom obtained a positive skills assessment from the ANMC? If not, he needs to do that before you can apply for any of the skilled independent visas for Oz.


A-Z Occupations List - Australian Skills Recognition Information


If you phone round the Agents, they are likely to tell you the bare basics only for free - no more than you could discover for yourself by reading the DIAC website thoroughly. The idea is to get you to agree to instruct the Agent concerned and pay him or her to help with the whole thing, so you are quite likely to give you the hard sell and also to try to firighten you with horror-stories about DIY applicants getting themselves into terrible tangles which only a migration agent can resolve - which is rubbish. Some DIY applicants get into a mess but by no means all of them do and nurses are not usually careless people so they tend not to make careless mistakes.


If you do not trust yourself to do the research carefully & thoroughly enough - which a lot of people can't because other commitments prevent them to being able to devote enough time to poring over the whole thing - then get an Agent to give you a hand. Others probably can spend enough time but do not have the confidence to have a go on their own: which is fair enough and is another perfectly valid reason for using an Agent.


DIAC do have a Helpline but it is staffed by trainees and the "advice" from them is notoriously unreliable and unsafe. Their main stock-in-trade is just telling you to read their website.


So the only free help comes from the forums, really, but the forums are unreliable as well because nobody is going to devote the time to discovering your entire life histories and so forth! Anyway the vast majority of forum members (myself included) are not migration agents. We will share what we know, but what we know is not comprehensive.


Don't try to run before you can walk with this, though. Everything requires precision and great attention to detail, all of which takes FAR more time than you think it will in my experience and time is the problem for many of us because days need to be longer than they are!


Best wishes



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Thanks so much - I was being too generous on Tom's english ability! So with him alone he is for sure 115 - I rather hoped (being a teacher) I could qualify for the measly 5 points - taking us up to 120 :-) ?

I am at the mo nowhere near starting to *fill* out any forms - but starting the reading process - and boy there is a lot :-) I would not consider putting pen to paper till I'd read it all (by then of course I might well be 50!) I am a virgo - think, plan, think, plan, clean furiously and plan some more (then miss the boat!)

Your help is really appreciated

many thanks


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Gills advice is great and should be considered carefully.


But you can do your application yourself but you need to read the online stuff A LOT before you put your app in and make sure you know what youre doing. You should be able to get the additional 5 points for your skills as a teacher as well assuming you fulfil the basic criteria requirements.


Read read read before you even think of putting your application in online.

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