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What should we do ??


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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for some advice, Hubby was offered sponsorship to Redcliffe tue 14th oct.

He phoned the guy again on fri 17th oct to tell him that we had been for our medicals and things were moving along and we were looking at houses in the area. The guy said to him that he might want him to go or an interview in uk somewhere and that he needed the position filled asap. Hubby said all that would not be a prob we are ready to go as soon as visa comes through. he said he would be in touch by e-mail. But.....we haven't heard a thing and that was a week ago. Do you think he has changed his mind ? Should we phone him again ? Hubby says no, he doesn't want to seem desperate or scare the guy off. What would you do ?


Thanks Karen xx

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Guest Working to fish

I would wait a bit but thats me , they do take there time here , and it can be a pain in the bottom some times




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I'd wait a bit longer too. It is really frustrating, but perhaps give it until the middle-end of next week.


My hubby phoned about the positions in Australia just over one year ago. His company are still faffing about with contracts etc, and they haven't even nominated the position for his 457 yet, even though they are desperate for him to be there in the beginning of December! And this is a move within the same company! Gah!:arghh:

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I would be straight on his case. I somtimes feel that some employers are too matter of fact about employing us Poms and don't understand what we are prepared to sacrifice and give up to get over there. Personally I would give him a call and keep calling before you end up wasting time money and energy!!

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id suggest an email, not as in your face as a call he has to dela with NOW, he can get to the email when he gets to it. point out that you have to sell house, sort school sfor any kids, move pensions insurances and pack so if he could give you an estimated timescale you'd appreciate it. also ask if they want you to book the meds with your local panel dr or if they have one they work with regularly? that way he will see you are committed and if they dont want you they will have to put the brakes on pronto!

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