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apprenticeships and your experiences


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My OH wants to do an apprentice (well it looks like its the only way to get a painting and decorating certificate unless anyone can point us to any other direction!)


Basically i have trauled the internet and cant get any idea of what a mature age apprentice would earn (he is 41 yrs). I know you can get a government subsidy of $150 per week which makes me think that the pay will be only about $6 or something along those lines.


Is anybody doing one as a mature age student and do there seem to be many other mature students in your class? If not do you get along with the young students or do they separate themselves? OH a bit dubious to go as the "old buggar with gray hair and wrinkles"!!


Are you being paid more than a junior wage? If not how do you cope? Are you treated well by your employer and are you casual or taken on as a permanent staff member?


Sorry for the questions but hopefully someone will be able to advise us.


Ta very much

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