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Incorrect Info


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Hi! Please don’t tell me I am the only one that has ever done this but … we lodged our 491 State Sponsored visa in October and I stupidly put in my daughters DOB incorrectly! I raised “incorrect answer” with them. Do I just have to wait until we get assigned a case officer to sort this? Or is there any way I can change this? Thank you!!!

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It really depends on if the date change is possibly fraudulent (by that I mean does it make the child look like they are 16 when really they are 26)

If it's just a simple typo or swapping day and month then I doubt there will be any issue, and it will all get cleared up when you provide copies of birth cert and passport etc. It might add in a little delay while they update but it shouldn't be anything considerable

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Thank you for getting back to me, it’s just I put November rather than December! Date and year is correct. Really appreciate your response, I’ve uploaded a copy of her passport/birth cert - so hopefully it will as you say just cause a slight delay but no major issue! Thanks again!

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