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Uk house sale and taxation of currency gains


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Hi, please can anybody advise

We have sold our UK house owned for 25 years  and moved  with our 2 teenagers into a long term rental in Queensland. 

We are dual nationals as a result of OZ health care postings for several  years  circa 2000.

Worked hard & sent all our money home around this time to finance renovation of our UK property at painful exchange rate of $3 to £1., hoping to finish the project, sell up and return to oz

soon after,  but for various personal reasons our anticipated return has been long delayed .  Sixteen years on funds from our recent house sale are sat in an easy access account in the UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   but  we can't afford bring the bulk of the  money over at current low exchange rate, loosing out yet again, until we  are sure the children are going to settle,  when we would look a buying a house                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      here in a year or two.

Do we have to worry about  (ATO) taxation on  currency gains when and if the pound strengthens against the Aussie dollar  ??

would be grateful for any insight



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There is an agreement between the UK and Australia so that you are not taxed twice in both countries but you will be taxed in one of them and probably have to file returns in both countries. I have to do that  as I have income from both countries.

Actually, I've started thinking about selling my own home in the UK and wondering, if I do, whether there will be capital gains tax.

Edited by MARYROSE02
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Hi Maryrose thanks for your reply,

I am not sure if I accurately explained our situation . The house was our long term primary residence as such should  be free  of GC tax in either country.  With respect to the currency gains and falls, I was advised by an Australian accountant that currency  gains or losses made purely as a result of moneys sat in non invested  easy access accounts are not of interest to the ATO as they would be subject to claims for tax relief against losses as  frequently as they were in receipt of revenue for gains . An article on page 9 (ex change rate fluctuations and CG tax) seems to back up this view point.  Please Maryrose or anybody with solid information advise me if I am reading this right as it could be a stay or go game changer for me and mine.

thanks aj


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