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ICAEW Membership advice


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My wifes a chartered accountant and has been for 5 years but we were told before we send of for a skills assessment she needed to join the ICAEW membership, this took a lot of work going back through all her training records as well as references from employers etc but she got the membership and all was good but now we've been told they might not accept her experience as qualified because she didn't have the membership from the beginning! This felt a massive blow as its took many months just to get this far, we want to go for a 190 state sponsored for New South Wales as the 189 needs 80 points which is impossible. We are now terrified our dreams of a new life in OZ might be over before we've even applied.

Has anyone been in this position or knows of any one else thats gone through this?



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I meant as in what accountancy qualification does she have? ACA / ACCA ? 

Sounds like they won't accept her as chartered unless she is ICAEW or equivalent from the moment she began practising as a CA. Perhaps do some research and speak to a migration agent, I'm sure there must be some way to transfer her relevant experience across. 


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She’s a ACA chartered and qualified since dec 2012, she didn’t need to join ICAW as she went to work in industry but trained 5 years in practice for a large accountant firm. Our migration agents said it would be best to join ICAW to help, this took a lot of work to do as she had to go back with 5 years of paper work and prof of training etc just to get it but that case through and now we’re ready to send everything for our skills test but they then turned around and said they may not take your work experience because she wasn’t a ICAW member for that time. But we should send it any way. There was no need for her to join at the time and it’s very expensive so why would you bother? I’m hoping this is not true and they accept she has been qualified for several years and all is good but we will just have to see and maybe challenge if it’s not good.

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I imagine their issue is if she didn't need ICAEW membership to do her job then was her role really a chartered accountant role. For most people (myself included) even working in industry it was a requirement of my role that I had to be an ICAEW member. 

Have you spoken to the Chartered Accountants of Australia and NZ? They do the assessment so may be able to give you advice


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She left the big company once qualified and didn’t need it when she became a finance manager.
We sent the skills assessment of now and they have come back 1 day later with complete full marks!! We were expecting a 4-8 week wait not one day. They accepted all her work experience and didn’t matter she wasn’t a member. This is huge news and a big relief. We can submit our EOI right away and see what the next stage has to throw at us. [emoji846][emoji846]

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  • 2 months later...

Could someone here clear my confusion. I know that work as Finance manager counts towards accountant work experience. What I want to know is that is the vice versa true too. Like will my work as accountant be counted in my assessment for finance manager? I have a total of 9 years experience out of which 5 as financial analyst/accountant and 4 as Finance manager. Any help is appreciated. 

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