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Daughter born whilst waiting on 820 visa


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How does the birth of my daughter effect the wait time, decision on my 820 visa. Been with my partner nearly 3 years lived together for 2.5 years. Will the birth of my daughter make me eligible for direct pr(801) or would the child have to have been born prior to lodgement. Visa was lodged June 2017, thanks

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It doesn't make a jot of difference to the processing time afaik.

As to if you'll qualify for PR having a baby after lodgement, no clue. 

Guess you will have to wait and see what is granted. 

Congrats btw. 



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18 minutes ago, Wiganer said:

My agent has already uploaded the birth certificate to my application is that the same?

If you have an agent they will handle it all. Well, sounds like they already have. 

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19 minutes ago, Wiganer said:

Spoke to the agent, just wanting to hear from people who are actually or have been through the process I'm going through 

Your agent is the best placed and most qualified person in all this. They are handling your case. 

As I said before, I doubt a child will magically speed things up. As to if you are eligible for PR now your agent can answer that. Far better to get the correct info from them regarding your situation. Plus they know your exact case and situation so will be up to speed on everything. 

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I had a look on the immi website. That is the go to place for info as a starting point. You said you have been de facto for 2.5 years at lodging (the living together aspect, which is where de facto starts from usually. Dating doesn't count as de facto). 


Long term relationship

We consider you have been in a long term relationship, at the time you lodged your application, if you had been with your partner for either:

  • three years or more
  • two years or more and you and your partner have a dependent child of your relationship.

You will need to provide documents that show you have been in your relationship for this length of time and if applicable, that you have a dependent child.


That is what it says on the immi site. So ask your agent as they know the ins and outs that we don't and they can let you know definitively. 


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