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Citizenship as child of former Australian - anyone done it?


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It seems too good to be true!

Hoping someone might have gone through the same process and can reassure me.

Some background

Mum - born and bred Aussie, moves to UK in 70's marries my dad, and adopts UK citizenship. She loses citizenship as unable to hold dual nationality. I am born a few yrs later. She has since regained her citizenship approx 2005 after they changed the rules.

The immi website suggests I am eligible

- https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/citi/pathways-processes/application-options/child-of-former-australian-citizen/eligibility

  • you were born outside Australia - yes
  • one of your parents was an Australian citizen before you were born- yes
  • that parent lost their Australian citizenship by acquiring the citizenship of another country, as an adult, before 4 April 2002 - yes
  • be of good character if you are aged 18 years or over. - submitted police certificate

I submitted my paper application end of August 2017 - and am in the long wait for citizenship by conferral.

Just looking for someone that has done the same and can reassure me it really it that simple!




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It is probably worth ringing a good agent to check, the bit i would be conecrned about is that from what you have written im guessing she wasnt an Aus citizen at the time you were born.


Cal x

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14 minutes ago, calNgary said:

It is probably worth ringing a good agent to check, the bit i would be conecrned about is that from what you have written im guessing she wasnt an Aus citizen at the time you were born.


Cal x

That would be all be quite true if the OP was applying for citizenship by descent - but he's actually applying as a child of a former citizen

Eligibility - one of your parents must have been an Australian citizen before you were born and that parent must have lost their Australian citizenship before 4 April 2002 by acquiring the citizenship of another country as an adult.' 


OP: Can't say I have done the same but it looks to me to be just as simple as you've described :-)


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