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457 New nomination before March 18


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Hi all, 

Long time lurker here.

Im on a 457 visa and looking to move to a new employer. I have two years left on my visa as it stands having done two years with my current employer. Things are not going well at this business so Im jumping shit before it all falls apart - TRT isnt an option.

My question is - if there is a new nomination from a new company, am I still considered a current 457 vis holder and therefore able to take advantage of the grandfathering arrangements (pathway to TRT PR) put forward by immigration a few weeks ago? I believe I am but a RMA may be able to clarify for me on here.

Thank you

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This is an often asked question, but too early to tell,for sure.

One would assume yes, as you held a subclass 457 visa before the announced changes in April this year.

However, no Regulations are available yet and as such we only have the basic information released so far by the Immigration Department to go on.

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2 hours ago, Raul Senise said:

This is an often asked question, but too early to tell,for sure.

One would assume yes, as you held a subclass 457 visa before the announced changes in April this year.

However, no Regulations are available yet and as such we only have the basic information released so far by the Immigration Department to go on.

Thanks Paul, I appreciate your response.


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